Load Balancing
Dear Happy Vacationer
- The previous experiment was so easy that Im ashamed to even talk about it
- Now you need to do one large experiment that worths a two-week time
- This is load balancing
Goal for Lab 5
- Objectives:
- Understanding the concept of load balancing
- Monitor the utilization status of each VM and each host
- Moving VMs from hot spot to cold ones
- Complete this experiment using at least two computers, the more the better
To Start
- Go to dockerhub and pull one image call mongo-express
- https://hub.docker.com/_/mongoexpress
- Test this mongodb web service with simple SQL statement
- Hints, you can generate your own DB file on random data
- Write a HTTP request generator that wraps SQL statement
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/httpreqgen/
- https://github.com/Kong/httpsnippet
Combine Them Up
- First, connect your request generator to the MongoDB service, basically shooting different SQL statement at a self-defined rate
- Second, make multiple duplicates of the MongoDB service, and randomly distribute the SQL statement to all service hosts
- Third, based on your homework 2-3, use your hypercall to detect the runtime system status, including CPU utilization, memory utilization, etc.
- Set a threshold for such status and name it as the hotspot when it is over
- g., when CPU util > 80%, this is a hot spot, you need to either move some hosts to other machines, or distribute less workloads to this spot
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