[Solved] oracle db solved


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Homwork 1

1. Create an Oracle user and assign appropriate privileges for a schema that will support a unique e-Commerce application. (10 points)

2. Using PowerPoint, Visio or any graphical tool of your choice, create an Entity Relationship Diagram showing the entities, relationships and primary keys supporting your e-Commerce application. Your application should have at least four (4) entities. The total number of attributes across all entities should be at least fifteen (15). Be sure you use good database design that includes the use of Primary, Foreign, Not Null, and other constraints. (10 points)

3. Based on your design, create and describe each of your database tables. (15 points)

4. Populate your tables with records. The records should represent meaningful data and not placeholder data. You should populate at least 20 records total across all of your tables. (10 points)

5. Create one database view showing the combination of at least two tables resulting from a join. (10 points)

6. Demonstrate your knowledge of select statements by creating at least six (6) queries that will return different data from your tables and view. (20 points)

Homework 3

Using the Schema you developed in Homework 1 for your e-Commerce project, design and implement a Virtual Private Database that limits database access. Your design should be based on two of your columns and two of your tables. (Hint: where col1 = value1 AND col2 = value2). Which columns and tables you choose is up to you and will be based on your initial design. You may alter your tables if it makes sense to do so.

In most cases you will need to create a separate policy and function for each of the two tables you select. Use the tutorial as a reference and follow the steps for creating the policy function, creating the virtual private database policy and testing the policy.


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[Solved] oracle db solved