(a) Determine the SVD of the matrix:
We want a decomposition of the form A = UV , where U and V are unitary matrices and a diagonal matrix containing the square roots of the singular values of A. We then know that
AA = UV V U = UU AA = V UUV = V V .
In particular, UU and V V are a diagonalizations of AA (note that and are diagonal matrices. Therefore we can determine and V by determining the eigenvalues of AA and finding corresponding eigenvectors.
Since AA is diagonal, the eigenvalues are the diagonal elements. The eigenvalues of AA are the squares of the singular values of A. Thus,
= 4 and next we find corresponding normalized eigenvectors to use a columns of V (so that V will be unitary). In this case, since AA is diagonal, we can find eigenvectors by inspection as v1 = e1 and v2 = e2. So we have
Next, use the requirement that AV = U to find U.
Since scales the first column of U by 1 = 3 and scales the second
column by 2 = 2, so we have
We conclude that an SVD factorization of A is given by
Exercise 4.2
Suppose A is an m n matrix and B is the n m matrix obtained by rotating A ninety degree clockwise on paper. We prove that A and B have the same singular values.
Let A be written as
a11 a12 a1n
A = a21 a22 a2n
am1 am2 amn
Consider AT (we do not consider A in case this is different from AT):
a11 a21 am1
AT = a12 a22 am2
a1n a2n amn
We can reverse the ordering of the columns of AT by multiplying by the m m matrix P that has 1s on the antidiagonal and 0s elsewhere:
a11 a21 am10 0 1 am1 a21 a11
ATP = a12 a22 am20 1 0 = am2 a22 a12 = B
a1n a2n amn 1 0 0 amn a2n a1n Therefore, we have found the matrix equation that relates the matrix A and B from the given description of how B is obtained from A. Next, since A has an SVD A = UV , we see that AT = (V )TTUT = (V )TUT.
This shows that A has the same singular values as AT (even if the left and right singular vectors may change). Also, since P is an orthogonal matrix, we have (ATP)(ATP) = ATPP(AT) = AT(AT). This implies that the singular values of ATP are the same as AT (since these are the square roots of the eigenvalues of AT(AT) = (ATP)(ATP). But since ATP = B, we have shown that the singular values of ATP = B are the same as A. Thus, the singular values of A are the same as the singular values of B, as desired.
Exercise 4.3
See the MATLAB script for this exercise.
Exercise 5.3
Consider the matrix
(a) We will determine a real SVD of A of the form A = UV T such that one has the minimal number of minus signs in U and V . Using AA = AAT = UU = U2UT, we have that UUT is a diagonalization of AAT. So we will find the eigenvalues, and of 2 and corresponding normalized eigenvectors to form U.
Next find an eigenvector for
Next find an eigenvector for
We takeand =.
Then since A = UV T, UTA = V T so that ATU1 = V . We can use this to find V :
Therefore we have a factorization A = UV T with:
(b) The singular values of A are 1 = 10 2 and 2 = 5 2.
The left singular vectors of A are:
The right singular vectors of A are:
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