[Solved] MA 322 Lab 8


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  1. Consider following BVP

with exact solution

y(x) = 1 + x cosx (1 + /2)sinx.

Use second order scheme to complete following table

h y(1/2) f.d. solution at 1/2 error ratio of error

Finally plot exact solution and finite difference solution for h = 1/64.

  1. Consider the following BVP


Consider the following finite difference scheme


and U1 = UN = 0, where

Compute the local truncation error of the above scheme and show that it is O(h4). Hence show that the scheme is fourth order accurate. Take f(x) = sin(x) so that the exact solution is u(x) = sin(x). Write a computer program to implement the above scheme. Solve the problem for N = 10,20,40,80,160,320 grid points and compute error in maximum norm and discrete L2 norm in each case. Plot the error versus N on a log-log plot and verify the fourth order accuracy in both the norms.

  1. Consider following BVP

with h = 1/3. If the exact solution is y(x) = 2ex x 1, find the absolute errors at the nodal points using second order finite difference scheme.

  • Solve the boundary value problem

with h = 0.25, by using central difference approximation to and

  1. central difference approximation to, ii. backward difference approximation to , iii. forward difference approximation to .

If the exact solution is y(x) = (e10x1)/(e10 1), compare the magnitudes of errors at the nodal points in the three methods.



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[Solved] MA 322 Lab 8