[Solved] GPGPU Assignment #3-OpenCL Matrix Multiplication


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Create an OpenCL program that takes as inputs two square matrices A and B with dimension (40 x 40) and perform the multiplication of the two matrices to create matrix C = A x B.


  1. For the purpose of easy grading and error checking, please define N and BLOCK_SIZE to 40 and 1 respectively, and initialize your input matrices A and B as below (inputMatrix1 and inputMatrix2 stand for A and B, results stands for C):
  1. Write your kernel function in the offline mode, i.e., creating a separate .cl file for your kernel function other than writing it as a string inside the main program. You can load your .cl kernel file by calling loadProgSource() function. (Refer to Sample Code in Lecture 14 vecSquare_2.cpp) .
  2. Retrieve the latest compilation results embedded in the program object by clGetBuildProgramInfo(). (Refer to page 14 in Lecture 14).
  3. In your kernel function, decompose the multiplication into small work-groups working in parallel, i.e., you need to specify both the total number of work-items (global dimensions) and the number of work-items per work-group (local dimensions) and pass them to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(), e.g.,
  1. Use event to profile the kernel execution time. (Refer to Page 60 on

Lecture 15, but using CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START and CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END in clGetEventProfilingInfo() calls instead.)

  1. Gradually increase the BLOCK_SIZE from 1 to 2, 4, 8, 10, and 20, respectively, run your code again, record your kernel execution time from event profiling each time, and finally draw a time vs. BLOCK_SIZE chart to show the trend, e.g,


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[Solved] GPGPU Assignment #3-OpenCL Matrix Multiplication