[Solved] ECE 325 Assignment 7-Type Compatibility and Generics


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In this assignment, you should submit three Java files for Question 1 and 2:ArrayExample.java,ArrayExam andArrayListExample.java. For Question 3 the difficult question, you should submit a folder that contains all modified files.These questions use a hierarchy of classes of simple geometric objects:GeometricShape.javaTwoDShape.javaThreeDShape.javaCircle.javaCone.javaRectangle.java Sphere.javaTest.javais a little test class that you can run to make sure the other classes are working.1. Java Arrays and Type Compatibility RulesLook at the skeleton for the main method inArrayExample.java. Add some additional statements to it so that the code compiles correctly, and when it is run, it raisesa java.lang.ArrayStoreException when adding a cone to geoshapes (Adding a circle should be OK). Here is the exception you should get:
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[Solved] ECE 325 Assignment 7-Type Compatibility and Generics