[Solved] DynamicalSystems Homework 2


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Bakground: The goal of this excercise is to investigate theoretically and experimentally how the dynamical properties of a map or di erential equation depend on the system parameters.

  1. For a and b real parameters, consider the Hnon map:

( 2 xn+1 = 1+ yn axn

yn+1 = bxn

Question 1 Where in (b,a)-plane do xed points exist? Compute the region of stability in (b,a)-plane where at least one xed point is stable. See a detailed hint at the end of this list.

Question 2 Let b = 0.3 throughout and investigate (numerically) what happens when a varies from 0 to 3.

Question 3 For b = 0.3, build up the so-called bifurcation diagram by plotting the x variable of the stationary solution against the parameter a. Plot just points, not lines joining the points.

  1. For the di erential equation:

Question 4 (a) Find the xed point. Compute its stability region in (b,a)plane. (b) For which (b,a)-values the system has a periodic orbit? Where is it stable? (Hint: Use polar coordinates).

Question 5 (a) Plot a few orbits of the system for a = 1 to get an idea of the overall dynamics. (b) Same for a = 1.

Question 6 Let a = b = 1 and nd a trapping region. Note that in this case the origin is unstable, so you need to nd a large region of phase space such that the ow points inwards on the surface of the region.

Hint to stability part of Question 1

  1. First compute the x-coordinate of the xed points x. Note that for a > 0 both xed points have di erent signs on their x-coordinate.
  2. Compute the jacobian as a function of x, note Trace and Determinant.
  3. Appendix A.4.6.2(b) Compute the necessary condition for sability interms of b.
  4. Compute the eigenvalues of xed points in terms of x:

i(x) = ax + .

  1. To get stability, in addition to the necessary condition on b, it is required that the eigenvalue of largest modulus for at least one xed point satis es |MAX(x)| < 1. The border of the stability region is |MAX(x)| = 1.
  2. You get two conditions |MAX(x+)| = 1, |MAX(x)| = 1. One of them can be discarded, while the other gives the border of a region in the (a,b)-plane. Check if the relevant part is the interior region or the exterior region (pick one easy point (a0,b0) and check xed points, stability, eigenvalues, etc.).


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[Solved] DynamicalSystems Homework 2