[Solved] Design a program that generates 100 random numbers

30 $

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Design a program that generates 100 random numbers between 1-1000 and writes them, one per line, to an output file. Change the status of the file to an input file and read the numbers into a list. Determine the following:• The largest number in the list.• The smallest number in the list.• The average of the numbers.• The total of the numbers.Module main. Calls the functions writeFile, readFile, and statFile. Declare all necessary variables.Module writeFile. Uses a loop to generate 100 random numbers between 1-1000. Each number should be written to a file called numbers.dat. Display a message indicating all numbers have been generated and written to a file.Module readFile. Reads all numbers from the file into a list called numbers. numbers should be returned to the main function and assigned to a variable.Module statFile. Traverses the list to determine and display the largest number, the smallest number, the average of the numbers, and the total of the numbers.


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[Solved] Design a program that generates 100 random numbers
30 $