[Solved] CSCI311 Project 3- Graphs


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In this project you will implement an undirected graph that is represented as an Adjacency Lists (implemented as vector<vector< edge > > Adj). You will use struct edge that contains two data members: an integer neighbor and an integer w.

Step 1. Implement a class Ugraph (stands for undirected graph). You need to write two files: ugraph.h and ugraph.cpp.

Inside ugraph.h, declare and define struct edge:

struct edge{int neighbor; // adjacent nodeint w; //keeps auxiliary informationedge(){ neighbor = 0;w = 0;};edge(int i, int j){neighbor = i;w = j;};};

Class Ugraph will have the following data members and constructors (and other member functions):

//private data members vector<vector<edge> > Adj; vector<int> parents; vector<int> distance; vector<char> colors; vector<TimeStamp> stamps;//public constructor and member functionsUgraph(int N); void addEdge(int u, int v); void removeEdge(int u, int v);

Constructor. The constructor of the class takes a single parameter, an integer N, and resizes Adj, parents, stamps, distance and colors to the size N. Initialize parents array: parent of a vertex v is equal to v. Initialize distance array with INT_MAX. Initialize colors with W (stands for White).

void addEdge(int u, int v): This member function inserts a new edge between the existing vertices u and v in the graph. Since this is an undirected graph, this function must add edge(v, 0) to Adj[u] and add edge(u, 0) to Adj[v], where 0 is used to initialize w data member of an edge.

void removeEdge(int u, int v): This function will remove edge (u, v) from a graph. Since this is an undirected graph, two Adjacency lists must be modified: one of u and another of v. Here is how the removal must be implemented:

  • In Adj[u], find an edge with neighbor equal to v, assume that it is found at index
  • Copy the last edge in Adj[u] into j-th entry of Adj[u] (hence, edge with v becomes overwritten).
  • Resize Adj[u] to (Adj[u].size() 1) size.

Repeat the same steps for Adj[v] and edge with neighbor equal to u.

BFS and DFS. You will need to implement BFS and DFS member functions (just as you did in Assignment 10).

printGraph. Write a public member function printGraph that prints Adjacency lists in the order: all nodes in the Adj[0], then all nodes in the Adj[1], and so on. This function will not print out w of each edge, only neighbor. Print out endl after each Adjacency list, and a space after each node (neighbor).

Step 2. Solve the following problems using Ugraph. You may add any member functions to class Ugraph to solve these problems. You may use w of struct edge to hold any information at each edge to help you to solve a problem. Your member functions may NOT change Adj (you may modify w at each edge, but you cannot remove or add edges of Adj), i.e. if you need to modify Adj, simply make a copy of Adj and pass this copy by reference to your member functions.

Important: All of these problems must be solved in O(V + E)-time unless stated otherwise. In other words if you need a few functions to accomplish a task (to solve a problem), then all of these functions must run in O(V + E)-time.

Problem 1. Given an undirected graph G and two vertices u and v of G, design an algorithm that will return true if there are two distinct paths from u to v in G and will print these two paths; otherwise, it will return false and will not print anything.

Your functions must run in O(V + E)-time.

Definition: two paths in an undirected graph G are distinct if they do not share any edges.

For example, given an undirected graph G in Figure below, and two vertices u = 0 and v = 2, there are two distinct paths from 0 to 2: (1) 0, 1, 2 and (2) 0, 2. So your program will print them in this format:


Each path will be printed out on a separate line. The output for this example will be this:

0 1 2 0 2

However, if we give two other vertices u = 1 and v = 3, then two paths (1) 1, 2, 0, 3 and (2) 1, 0, 3 are not distinct because they share edge (0, 3). So, there are no two distinct paths in this graph for vertices 1 and 3. Your program will return false and will not print anything.

You will need to write the following public member function (with exact name, parameters, return type): bool distinctPaths(int u, int v).

You may write any other member functions to solve this problem, but these functions must be called from distinctPaths.

Problem 2. Given an undirected connected graph G, find and print all bridge edges of G.

Your functions must run in O(V + E)-time.

Definition: in undirected connected graph G, an edge is called bridge if removal of this edge will disconnect G.

For example, in the graph on Figure to the left, edge (1, 5) is a bridge edge because if we remove this edge from the graph, the graph becomes not connected. Edge (6, 9) is not a bridge edge, because if is removed from the graph, the graph will remain connected.

You will need to write the following public member function:

void printBridges()

You may write any member functions in addition to printBridges to solve this problem, but these functions must be called from printBridges.

Output format: as soon as an edge (u, v) has been identified as a bridge, print it in the format <u><space><v><endl>

Problem 3. Given an undirected graph G, find all connected components of G and print out the vertices in each component on a separate line. The order of printing is the following: all vertices in Connected Component with ID 0 on the first line, nodes in Connected Component with ID 1 on the second line, and so on.

Your functions must run in O(V + E)-time.

Definition: A connected component of an undirected graph G is a subgraph H of G such that H is connected (i.e. any two vertices in H are connected via a path in H).

For example, on given the graph on Figure to the left, your program will print out:

  • 8 9
  • 5 6 7
  • 3 4

You need to write the following public member function:

void printCC()

You may write any member functions in addition to this function, but they must be called from printCC. Output format of a single line:


Problem 4. Given an undirected connected graph G, design an algorithm that returns true if it is possible to color all vertices of G in two colors, Red and Blue, such that if there is an edge (u, v) in G, then u and v must be colored with different colors.

To solve this problem, time complexity is not restricted to O(V + E)-time. Your functions may use O(VE)time.

Note that if an undirected connected graph has an odd-length cycle, then this coloring is impossible. So, your program needs to check if there is an odd-length cycle in the graph, and if so, then it will return false. Otherwise, it will return true.

For example graph G below does not have an odd-length cycle, so it is possible to color G using two colors so that the adjacent vertices are colored with different colors, but graph H has an odd cycle, so this coloring is impossible.

Your program must contain the following member function:

bool twoColoring()

You may write any other member functions to accomplish this task, but they must be called from twoColoring.


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[Solved] CSCI311 Project 3- Graphs