Reinforcement Learning
1 Introduction
The goal of this assignment is to do experiment with model-free control, including on-policy learning (Sarsa) and off-policy learning (Q-learning). For deep understanding of the principles of these two iterative approaches and the differences between them, you will implement Sarsa and Q-learning at the application of the Cliff Walking Example, respectively.
2 Cliff Walking
Figure 1: Cliff Walking
Consider the gridworld shown in the Figure 1. This is a standard undiscounted, episodic task, with start state (S), goal state (G), and the usual actions causing movement up, down, right, and left. Reward is -1 on all transitions except those into the region marked The Cliff. Stepping into this region incurs a reward of -100 and sends the agent instantly back to the start.
3 Experiment Requirments
- Programming language: python3
- You should build the Cliff Walking environment and search the optimal travel path by Sara and Q-learning, respectively.
- Different settings for f can bring different exploration on policy update. Try several f (e.g. f = 0.1 and f = 0) to investigate their impacts on
4 Report and Submission
- Your reports and source code should be compressed and named after studentID+name.
- The files should be submitted on Canvas before Apr. 16, 2021.
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