[Solved] CS3083 Introduction to Database Systems


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Project OverviewThe course project this semester is PriCoSha, a system for privately sharing content itemsamong groups of people. PriCoSha gives users somewhat more privacy than many contentsharing sites by giving them more detailed control over who can see which content items theypost and more control over whether other people can tag content items with a users personalinformation. You may choose the kind of content your version of PriCoSha focuses on, e.g.photos, video clips, announcements about social or professional events, etc. The focus of theproject will be on storing data about the content, allowing users to specify who can see and/ormodify what, and providing ways for users to find content of interest. In Part 1, youll assumethat the content is photos, but in the remaining parts, you are encouraged to have other kinds ofcontent, along with customized operations for users to work with that content.Users will be able to log in, post content items, view (some of) the content items posted byothers (public content and content posted by people who have given them access via a friendmechanism, detailed below; tag content items with usernames of people referred to in thecontent items (if they have permission to do so), etc. In part 1 of the project, you will design anER diagram for the database. In part 2, you will convert my E-R diagram (which I will post later)to a relational schema, write table definitions in SQL, and write some queries. Part 3 is amilestone to guarantee that youre making progress: you will hand in some of your source codealong with evidence that it is working. Part 4 will be the most work: using my schema from part2, you will revise your queries, if necessary, and write the rest of the application code for thesystem. A detailed specification will be provided shortly after part 2 is due.PART 1:PriCoSha allows users to define groups of friends (called FriendGroups), and to share contentitems with specific FriendGroups. For example, suppose Ann has a family FriendGroup and abesties friend group. She might share content about her cat with family and content about awild party with besties.Draw an ER diagram modeling the data needed for the system. It should include entity sets(possibly including one or more weak entity sets) representing Person, Item, and FriendGroupand several relationship sets.Each Person has a unique username, a password, and a name, consisting of a first name and alast name.Each content item has a unique item ID, a date, and other pertinent data. For example,depending on the nature of your content, you might want to include a location, consisting oflatitude, longitude, and/or location name, data about the size of the item, etc. Each content itemis posted by exactly one person. For Part 1, you can limit the content items to just photos, whichshould include a unique item ID, a date, a file path, and a name.A FriendGroup has a name and a description. Different people may have FriendGroups with thesame name (and description), but an individual user cannot have more than one FriendGroupwith the same name. For example, Ann and Bob can each have FriendGroups named familyand they can even have the same description, but Ann cannot have two friend groups namedfamily.Each FriendGroup is owned by exacly one person (the person who is defining a group of his/herfriends). Each FriendGroup has (two or more) members in the group. For example Ann cancreate a FriendGroup called family with members Ann, Cathy, David, and Ellen. A content itemcan be shared with multiple FriendGroups. For example, Ann can post a content item of her catand share it with her family FriendGroup, which allows them to see the content item.A person can comment on a content item. A comment includes a timestamp and the text of thecomment. A person can make multiple comments about the same content item.A person can tag a content item with someones username. For example, if David is mentionedin Anns cat content item, Ann or David or someone else can tag it with Davids username. Wewant to keep track of who added the tag (the tagger) as well as who is tagged (in this case,David), and when the tag was added. In addition PriCoSha will only display tags that have beenapproved by the person who is tagged (e.g. David), so we need to keep track of the status of atag.What You Should DoDesign an ER diagram for PriCoSha. When you do this, think about: which information shouldbe represented as attributes, which as entity sets or relationship sets? Are any of the entity setsweak entity sets? If so, what is the identifying strong entity set? What is the primary key (ordiscriminant) of each entity set? What are the cardinality constraints on the relationship sets?Draw the ER diagram neatly. You may draw it by hand or use a drawing tool.Partners, etcYou may work alone or team of up to 4 people. if your want to work on a 4 person team, youmust check with me and propose some substantial extra features. You may work on part 1alone then team up for parts 2, 3, 4. Teams will be expected to Note that each partner isexpected to contribute roughly equally and each partner is responsible for understanding theentire system. The quiz or exam question about the project will test each person individually.The total project grade will be 25% of your course grade. Part 1 counts for about 15% of theproject grade. Part 2 counts for about 20% of the project grade. Part 3 counts for about 15% ofthe project grade. There may also be a quiz or exam question(s) based on the project.PART 2A. Using my solution to Part 1 (posted), use the procedures we studied to derive a relationaldatabase schema, then write SQL CREATE TABLE statements and execute them in yourdatabase system. Remember to include primary key and foreign key constraints. (You donthave to hand in the schema diagram, only the create table statements, but you may find it usefulto draw a schema diagram.) Use the following data types: Dates and times are Date, DateTime, or Timestamp data types IDs are integers. You may use autoincrement so theyll be assigned automatically Passwords will be stored using cryptographic hashes of the passwords userssupplies. For now, well just use an insecure md5 hash of the passwords. Moredetails and further requirements on how to do this better, coming later. Other attributes are VARCHAR. Add one more attribute, is_pub, to content. This should be Boolean and willindicate whether the content is public, i.e. can be viewed by everyone, regardlessof whether theyre in particular user groups.B. Write SQL INSERT statements corresponding to the following situation: Add the following users into the Person table. Use their initials as their username, andmd5 of their initials as the password. For example, Ann is (AA, md5(AA), Ann,Anderson). Ann Anderson, Bob Baker, Cathy Chang, David Davidson, Ellen Ellenberg, FredFox, Gina Gupta, Helen Harper Ann owns FriendGroup called family with users Ann, Cathy, David, and Ellen. Bob owns FriendGroup called family with users Bob, Fred, and Ellen. Ann owns FriendGroup called besties with users Ann, Gina, and Helen. Ann posted a content item with ID=1, caption = Whiskers, is pub = False, and shared itwith her family FriendGroup. Ann posted a content item with ID=2, name = My birthday party, is pub = False, andshared it with her besties FriendGroup. Bob posted a content item with ID=3, name = Rover, is pub = False, and shared it withhis family FriendGroup. You can make up data for the other attributes or make them NULL.C. Write a query to show the ID and name of each content item that is shared with David (i.e thecontent items David can view).In part 3, you will specify in more detail the particular kind of content youll be dealing with andpropose some specialized features for that kind of content. You should start thinking about thisin parallel with doing part 2, but you wont have to hand it in yet. This would be a good time toask questions about specialized features youre thinking about.PART 3 and 4Part 3Part 4 (completed project) Due: 12/10In parts 3 and 4 of the project, you will use the table definitions I posted (solution to part 2) alongwith any additional table definitions you need, to implement application code for PriCoSha as aweb-based application. You may use Python, PHP, Java, node.js, Go, or C#. If youd like to usesome other language, check with me by 11/12. You must use prepared statements if yourapplication language supports them. Part 3, is a milestone in which you must show that youvewritten code for the login function and at least n -1 others, where n is the number of people onyour team; Part 4 is the completed project.Your PriCoSha implementation should allow users to log in, post content items, view contentitems that are public or that are shared with FriendGroups to which they belong, and propose totag content items with usernames of other users, provided the content items are visible to boththe user (the tagger) and the person being tagged (the taggee), and manage tag proposals.Assume each user has already registered and created a password, which is stored as an md5hash. Better yet, you may use a SHA-1 or SHA-2 hash and/or add salt. If youd like, you maydisplay actual content items, but this is not required. When we test your application, well checkdata about the content items rather than actual content items.A content item is visible to a user U if either The content item is public, or The content item is shared with a FriendGroup to which U belongs, where theFriendGroup is owned by the poster of the content item .(Remember that FriendGroups are identified by their name along with the username of theowner of the group.) We will assume that in the initial database, if (x,y,z) is inSharedWith(ID,name,username) then z is the poster of content item x. We will also assume thatthe owner of a FriendGroup is a member of that FriendGroup. (When modifying the database,PriCoSha should enforce these constraints.)Specifically, PriCoSha should support the following use cases:1. Login: The user enters username and password. PriCoSha checks whether the hash ofthe password matches the stored password for that username. If so, it initiates asession, storing the username and any other relevant data in session variables, thengoes to the home page (or provides some mechanism for the user to select their nextaction.) If the password does not match the stored password for that username (or nosuch user exists) PriCoSha informs the user that the the login failed and does not initiatethe session. The remaining features require the user to be logged in.2. View content items and info about them: PriCoSha shows the user a list ofpids,posters, pdates, and captions of content items that are visible to the her, arrangedin reverse chronological order. (Optionally, include a link to an actual content item.)Along with each content item there is way for the user to see further information,includinga. first name and last name of people who have been tagged in the content item(taggees), provided that they have accepted the tags (Tag.status == true)b. comments about the content item3. Manage tags: PriCoSha shows the user relevant data about content items that haveproposed tags of this user (i.e. user is the taggee and status false.) User can choose toaccept a tag (change status to true), decline a tag (remove the tag from Tag table), ornot make a decision (leave the proposed tag in the table with status == false.)4. Post a content item: User enters the title (and optionally, a link to a real content item)and a designation of whether the content item is public or private. PriCoSha inserts dataabout the content item (including current time, and current user as owner) into theContent table. If the content item is private, PriCoSha gives the user a way to designateFriendGroups (that the user owns) with which the Photo is shared.5. Tag a content item: Current user, who well call x, selects a content item that is visibleto her and proposes to tag it with username ya. If the user is self-tagging (y == x), PriCoSha adds a row to the Tag table:(ID, x, x, TIMESTAMP, true)b. else if the content item is visible to y, PriCoSha adds a row to the Tag table:(ID, x, x, TIMESTAMP, false)c. else if content item is not visible to y, PriCoSha doesnt change the tag table andprints some message saying that it cannot propose this tag.6. Add friend: User selects an existing FriendGroup that they own and provides first_nameand last_name. PriCoSha checks whether there is exactly one person with that nameand updates the Member table to indicate that the selected person is now in theFriendGroup. Unusual situation such as multiple people with the same name and theselected person already being in the FriendGroup should be handled gracefully.7. Your choice: You must add 2 * n 1 f eatures, where n i s the number of people inyour group. So working alone: 1 extra feature; two person team 3 extra features, etc.If your group has more than 3 people, these must include some really interestingfeatures. Each additional feature must involve intersactions with the database.8. Optional (this can be one of your extra features:) Defriend: Think about what shouldbe done when someone is defriended, including some reasonable approach to tags thatthey posted or saw by virtue of being in the friend group. Write a short summary of howyoure handling this situation. Implement it and test it.


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[Solved] CS3083 Introduction to Database Systems