[Solved] COP 4600 Programming Assignment 1

30 $

SKU: [Solved] COP 4600 Programming Assignment 1 Category: Tag:

Learning Objective: To gain a fuller understanding of process scheduling algorithms by implementing them.

Development: Use gcc and the C programming language, on the version of Linux we have set up in our VM.

Assignment: Implement the First-Come First-Served, preemptive Shortest Job First, and Round-Robin algorithms as for single processors.

Input: Your program will read a file from the current directory called processes.in, which will be formatted as follows. Your program should ignore everything on a line after a # mark and ignore additional spaces in input.

processcount 2 # Read 5 processes runfor 15 # Run for 15 time units use rr # Can be fcfs, sjf, or rr quantum 2 # Time quantum – only if using rr process name P1 arrival 3 burst 5 process name P2 arrival 0 burst 9 end

Note that the processes do not need to be specified in order of arrival, and do not need to have similar names.

Output: Generate a file called processes.out, formatted as follows.

2 processes

Using Round-Robin

Quantum 2

Time 0: P2 arrived

Time 0: P2 selected (burst 9)

Time 2: P2 selected (burst 7) Time 3: P1 arrived

Time 4: P1 selected (burst 5)

Time 6: P2 selected (burst 5)

Time 8: P1 selected (burst 3)

Time 10: P2 selected (burst 3)

Time 12: P1 selected (burst 1)

Time 13: P1 finished

Time 13: P2 selected (burst 1)

Time 14: P2 finished

Time 14: Idle

Finished at time 15

P1 wait 5 turnaround 10

P2 wait 5 turnaround 14


This version of Round-Robin should not run the scheduler immediately upon the arrival of a new process, unless the CPU is currently idle.

Your program will not be given an input that results in an ambiguous decision, such as identical arrival times for Round-Robin or identical burst lengths for SJF; you should avoid generating an error in that case on general principles but it will not appear in either the example inputs or the grading inputs.


Zip up your code, and upload it to Webcourses. If you have a single source file then you can simply submit it. If you have multiple source files, include an appropriate makefile.


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[Solved] COP 4600 Programming Assignment 1
30 $