[Solved] BLG242E Experiment7-Digital System Design

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In this experiment, you will implement a single cycle CPU with Verilog HDL. Please read the introduction slide again carefully.

You can use any operator/code block in this experiment. You must simulate all parts and modules.

2 Part 1: Register Line and Decoder

In this part you will design:

  • 4:16 decoder module with enable input. If enable signal is logical low, all the outputs of decoder will be logical low.
  • 16-bit register line module. This module should take lineselect, clock, reset, and 16-bit dataIn as input and give 16-bit stored data as output. At the falling edge of the reset signal data will be cleared. At the rising edge of the clock signal, the module should store the data which is given as input when the lineselect is high.

3 Part 2: Register File Design

In this part you should implement a 16 line 16-bit register file module (32 byte) using 4:16 decoder module and 16-bit register line module. This module should take 4-bit selA, 4-bit selB, 4-bit selWrite, 16-bit dataIn, reset, writeEnable, and clock as input and give 16-bit dataA and 16-bit dataB. The operations of the register file module are given below.

  • At the falling edge of the reset, all lines of the register file will be cleared.
  • selWrite input selects the line to be updated. The selected line should store the dataIn input at the rising edge of the clock when the writeEnable is high.

Table 1: ALU Instructions

OPCODE Operation Name Operation Update Flag
1 |
5 >>
6 <<
  • Register outputs are exported via dataA and dataB. selA selects the line of the register file for dataA Similarly, selB selects the line of the registerfile for dataB output. These two operations do not require the clock signal.

4 Part 3: ALU Design

In this part you will design an Arithmetic Logic Units (ALU) that does some operations in the Table 1. In addition to these operations, the ALU will produce zero flag. Meaning that, if the result of the operation is zero, a special flip-flop (called zeroFlag) will be set to logical high. The inputs of the ALU will be called srcA, srcB. The output will be called dst. The ALU will decide its operations with the help of 3-bit Op input. Also, the module has clock and reset inputs and zeroFlag output. At the falling edge of the reset zeroFlag will be cleared. At the rising edge of the clock zeroFlag will be updated according to output of the ALU when the operation updates the flags. For example, AND operation does not update the flag.

5 Part 4: Instruction Decoder

In this part, you will create the control signals of your digital system according to instruction input. Table 2 shows the instruction set of the digital system. According to instruction set there are 4 type of instruction in this system. Table 3, 4, 5, and 6 shows the instructions bits separation for register, immediate, load, and branch respectively. Inputs and outputs ports information are given below.

  • instruction (15-bit Input): comes from the ROM and takes the current instruction as input.
  • opcode (4-bit Ouput): contains the operation information of the instruction.
  • selWrite (4-bit Ouput): contains the destination register address for writing operation.

Table 2: Digital System Instruction Set

OPCODE Operation Name Operation Type Update Flag
1 |
5 >>
6 <<
9 ORI dst = srcA | Immediate Immediate No
10 ADD Immediate dst = srcA + Immediate Immediate Yes
11 Compare Compare srcA, srcB Register Yes
12 NOOP No
13 B PC = Immediate Branch No
14 BNE PC = PC + Immediate if not equal Branch No
15 BEQ PC = PC + Immediate if equal Branch No
  • selA (4-bit Ouput): contains the first operand address information of the instruction in the registerFile.
  • selB (4-bit Ouput): contains the second operand address information of the instruction in the registerFile.
  • fourBitImmediate (16-bit Ouput): contains the 4-bit immediate value information for immediate instructions. Zero extension will be used to extend 4-bit to


  • eightBitImmediate (16-bit Ouput): contains the 8-bit immediate value information for load and branch instructions. Zero extension will be used to extend 4-bit to 16-bit.
  • writeEnable (1-bit Ouput): If the instruction needs to write the results to register file, it must be 1. Otherwise, it will be 0.
  • isLoad (1-bit Ouput): The flag will 1 if the instruction is the load instruction.
  • isImmediate (1-bit Ouput): The flag will 1 if the instruction is the immediate instruction.
  • isBranch (1-bit Ouput): The flag will 1 if the instruction is the branch instruction (Opcode 13).

Table 3: Register Type Instructions

Opcode dst srcA srcB
4-bit 4-bit 4-bit 4-bit

Table 4: Immediate Type Instructions

Opcode dst srcA Immediate
4-bit 4-bit 4-bit 4-bit
  • isBranchNotEqual (1-bit Ouput): The flag will be 1 if the instruction is the branchNotEqual instruction.
  • isBranchEqual (1-bit Ouput): The flag will be 1 if the instruction is the branchEqual instruction.

6 Part 5: Program Counter

In this part, program counter module will develop the program counter module for the digital design. The output of the program counter module (PC) stores the current program address of the system. The inputs of the module are reset, clock, isBranch, isBranchNotEqual, isBranchEqual, and immediateAddress (8-bit). The instruction fetched from the program memory using this information. PC will be cleared at the falling edge of the reset signal. If the operation is branch (Opcode 13), PC value will be the immediateAddress (8-bit input) at the rising edge of the clock. PC value will be the immediateAddress (8-bit input) at the rising edge of the clock. PC value will be current PC value + immediateAddress at the rising edge of the clock if the operation is branch not equal and flag shows the result is not equal, or the operation is branch equal and flag shows the result is equal.You can access the result information using zeroFlag. Otherwise, PC value will be next address of the memory at the rising edge of the clock.

7 Part 6: Mini Computer

In this part, you will implement the mini computer using the modules you implemented in the previous parts. The module only needs clock and reset signals. Clock and reset signal will be connected to other modules which needs the this signals. You must give

Table 5: Load Type Instructions

Opcode dst Immediate
4-bit 4-bit 8-bit

Table 6: Branch Type Instructions

Opcode Unused Immediate
4-bit 4-bit 8-bit

instruction, dataA, dataB, dst, PC, input value of ALU srcB for debugging and test of the system. You will also needs the ROM module, but we have already developed it for you. You can directly add this module to your design files. You must also include the memory data to your project, the guideline have been added to homework files for this operation. The input connection information of the modules are given below.

  • Program Memory
    • PC <– PC output of the Program Counter
  • Instruction Decoder
    • instruction <– instruction output of the Program Memory
  • Register File
    • selA <– selA output of the Instruction Decoder
    • selB <– selB output of the Instruction Decoder
    • selWrite <– selWrite output of the Instruction Decoder
    • dataIn <– dst output of the ALU
    • writeEnable <– writeEnable output of the Instruction Decoder
  • ALU
    • srcA <– dataA output of the Register File
    • srcB <– It can be dataB, 4-bit immediate or 8-bit immediate according to instruction type. You must select it for each type of instruction.
    • Op <– Opcode output of the Instruction Decoder
  • Program Counter
    • zeroFlag <– zeroFlag output of the ALU
    • isBranch <– isBranch output of the Instruction Decoder
    • isBranchNotEqual <– isBranchNotEqual output of the Instruction Decoder
    • isBranchEqual <– isBranchEqual output of the Instruction Decoder
    • immediateAddress <– One of the immediate value output of the Instruction Decoder.


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[Solved] BLG242E Experiment7-Digital System Design
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