[Solved] ADS Project 5-Text concordance using BST

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1 Project description

See the description of this problem in the book for further details.

Write a cross-reference program that constructs a binary search tree (any type, including splay tree) with all words included from a text file and records the positions (word or line numbers) on which these words were used. These line numbers should be stored on linked lists associated with the nodes of the tree. After the input file has been processed, print in alphabetical order all words of the text file along with the corresponding list of numbers of the lines in which the words occur.

2 What to turn in

You will turn in

1. a short written report containing: A description of the significant choices/issues in the design of your code.

2. Thesourcecodeofyourprogram.You may turn in the document via elearning.e-uvt.ro (Class moodle).

3 Coding standards


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[Solved] ADS Project 5-Text concordance using BST
30 $