[Solved] 18.06 Unit 2 Exercise 5- properties of determinants

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SKU: [Solved] 18.06 Unit 2 Exercise 5- properties of determinants Category: Tag:

Problem 18.1: (5.1 #10. Introduction to Linear Algebra: Strang) If the entries in every row of a square matrix A add to zero, solve Ax = 0 to prove that det A = 0. If those entries add to one, show that det(AI) = 0. Does this mean that det A = 1?

Problem 18.2: (5.1 #18.) Use row operations and the properties of the determinant to calculate the three by three “Vandermonde determinant”:

⎡ 1 a a2 ⎤

det 1 b b2 = (ba)(ca)(cb).

1 c c2


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[Solved] 18.06 Unit 2 Exercise 5- properties of determinants
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