[Solved] CSCI5408 Assignment #5 (Data Management, Warehousing, Analytics)


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The objective of this assignment is to understand Database Administration, andDatabase Security.

Plagiarism Policy:

This assignment is an individual task. Collaboration of any type amounts to aviolation of the academic integrity policy and will be reported to the AIO. Content cannot be copied verbatim from any source(s). Please understand theconcept and write in your own words. In addition, cite the actual source. Failing todo so will be considered as plagiarism and/or cheating. The Dalhousie Academic Integrity policy applies to all material submitted as part ofthis course. Please understand the policy, which is available at:https : //www. dal. ca/dept/university_s ecretariat/academi c-integrity.html

Assignment Rubric

Excellent (25%) Proficient (15%) Marginal (5%) Unacceptable(0%)
CompletenessincludingCitation All required tasksare completed Submission highlightstasks completion.However, missed sometasks in between, whichcreated a disconnection Some tasks arecompleted, whichare disjoint innature. Incorrect andirrelevant
Correctness All parts of thegiven tasks arecorrect Most of the given tasks arecorrect However, someportions need minormodifications Most of the giventasks areincorrect. Thesubmissionrequires majormodifications. Incorrect andunacceptable
Novelty The submissioncontains novelcontribution in keysegments, which isa clear indication The submission lacksnovel contributions. Thereare some evidences ofnovelty, however, it is notsignificant The submissiondoes not containnovelcontributions.However, there is There is nonovelty
of applicationknowledge an evidence ofsome effort
Clarity The written or The written or graphical The written or Failed to prove
graphical materials and developed graphical the clarity. Need
materials, and applications do not show materials, and proper
developed clear picture of the developed background
applications concept. There is room for applications fail to knowledge to
provide a clearpicture of theconcept, andhighlights theclarity improvement prove the clarity.Backgroundknowledge isneeded perform the tasks


McKinney, B. (2018). The impact of program-wide discussion board grading rubrics on students and faculty

satisfaction. Online Learning, 22(2), 289-299.


  1. Read the given paper and write summary (Maximum 2 pages in your own words Do

not copy any content verbatim).

  1. In addition, explore** and report, if the paper has any scope of improvements in terms

of technical details or concepts.

** Due to time constraint, and limitation of formal background research, you do not need to

explore any presented scientific equations or parameters in details

Visit and Login to https://dal.ca.libguides.com/ieee and search the following papers.

3 . Do not forget to provide citation in proper format for the given paper and for any other

supporting materials that you may use as reference.

Database Administration and Security Reading

H . Yais h and M . G oyal, Multi-tenant Database Access Control, 2013 IEEE 16th International Conference

on Computational Science and Engineering, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2013, pp. 870-877, doi:


Paper Link: https://ieeexplore-ieee-org.ezproxy.library.dal.ca/document/6755311

Assignment 5 Submission Format:

Submit one single P D F file


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[Solved] CSCI5408 Assignment #5 (Data Management, Warehousing, Analytics)