[SOLVED] Wedding Shuffle


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A number of wedding guests are seated at a circular table. The master of ceremonies asks all the guests to stand, and sit back down either one seat to the left, one seat to the right, or in the same chair.

All guests must have a chair once everyone is seated.

Your task is to determine all possible ways that the guests can do this wedding shuffle.

2.2 Wedding Shuffle with Barriers

This second problem is similar, but now the table has a set of plexiglass barriers in between some of the chairs.

3 The assignment: Wedding class

Write a program wedding.cpp with a class Wedding which has several methods as shown below:

class Wedding {
    vector<string> shuffle(string guests);
    vector<string> shuffle_barriers(string guests, vector<int> barriers);


You may add other methods and data structures to the class as necessary to solve the problem.

3.1 The Wedding Class

Each Wedding object uses a fixed set of names for the guests. The guests are labelled with individual characters in a string. So, for example, the string


represents five guests whose names are a, b,c, 1, and 2.

3.2 The shuffle method

The shuffle method should return all possible arrangements of the guests specified as a vector of strings. The initial seating arrangement is as specified in the parameter guests. For visualization, suppose that guests[0] is seated at the one-oclock position of a clock face, and guests[1] is to their left (at 2 oclock). guests[n] is to the left of guests[n-1] until we arrive back to guests[0] The last guest is to the immediate right of guests[0], they are seated at 11 oclock.

Here is a simple example. If the guests are abcde, then the result of shuffle(“abc”) will be


3.3 The shuffle_barriers method

The shuffle_barriers method should return all possible arrangements of guests as a vector of strings.

The barriers are specified as a vector of integers. A barrier always comes before the position it specifies. So a barrier at 0 means that the person seated at position 0 cannot move to their right (to position n-1). Using the clock face analogy, a barrier at 0 is like a barrier at 12-oclock (just to the right of guests[0])

The barriers should be included in the output as a visual aid, using the | character.

Here is a simple example: the result of shuffle_barriers(“abcd”,{2}) will be


3.4 Program name

The template program and the main to be used for testing is provided in wedding_original.cpp

3.5 Libraries allowed

You must include the following libraries

  • <algorithm>
  • <iostream>
  • <map>
  • <string>
  • <vector>

For the moment, no other includes are permitted.

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[SOLVED] Wedding Shuffle