[Solved] Web Design Client Side Scripting Project


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Project Details

You are required to develop a website for a Business. The Business can be of your choice.


  • This assignment is project-based and each project group will have 2-3 participants.
  • Each group will also complete a project report
    • Executive summary
      • Why did you decide on this idea, what problem are you solving, what is the market size etc.?
      • How did your team split the project work?
        • Show work packages with milestones and deliverables
      • Who is your primary persona?
        • Document three interviews you did with members of another group.
      • How was your site designed?
        • Show wireframes for each web page and reference at least one design pattern per wireframe
      • Your main page should be called index.html

The website itself should contain:

  • A minimum of 4 pages of HTML5
  • Styles controlled by at least one external CSS file (Each member of the group to generate their own Style sheet to apply to a common page)
  • Clearly defined, consistent, navigation system and form.
  • Form entry should be demonstrated and validated. (External JS with some JQuery)
  • Images and content can be manipulated using Javascript + Jquery
  • Bootstrap can be used.

The site should:-

  • Site should be deployed
  • Report shows evidence of testing
  • Web site Optimisation
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • A variety of tools used
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[Solved] Web Design Client Side Scripting Project