[SOLVED] VBA代写: Homework # 4

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Homework # 4

FALL 2016

Lubin School of Business Pace University

User Defined functions for commissions

The following is the system for paying commissions in a company:

  1. Sales up to $ 15,000 the Commission is 10%
  2. Sales over $15,000 the Commission is 10% for the first $15,000 and additional 15% for any amount over $15,000 but up to $30,000.
  3. Sales over $30,000, the commission is 10% for the first $15,000, 15% for the next $15,000 and 20% for any amount over $30,000.

Code an user defined function as =CommHW(x), where x is the value of sales.  The function should be created in the worksheet LastName_FirstName-HW4.xlsm.


  • =CommHW(15000) = 1500 (1500 = 10% of 15000)
  • =CommHW(25000) = 3000 (3000 = 10% of 15000 + 15% of 10000)

Results and due date

The results of the HW should be on a spreadsheet and submitted as an attachment to [email protected]on Friday November 25 th, 2016 no later than midnight.

Submit your HW, even if the program doesn’t run properly.


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[SOLVED] VBA代写: Homework # 4
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