[Solved] Use a loop to ask for numbers, until the value -99 is entered


File Name: Use_a_loop_to_ask_for_numbers,_until_the_value_-99_is_entered.zip
File Size: 574.62 KB

SKU: [Solved] Use a loop to ask for numbers, until the value -99 is entered Category: Tag:
5/5 - (1 vote)

ASSIGNMENT: Make sure to use Flowgorithm.

Use a loop to ask for numbers, until the value -99 is entered

Compare each number to the current maximum and minimum

After -99 is entered, the program displays the largest and smallest numbers entered


Include the usual comment lines for Author, Date and Description.

Your output should be in a sentence, like, The largest number entered is XXX.

Save your file as S08.fprg.

Make sure your program is working correctly.

Submit the Flowgorithm file S08.fprg


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[Solved] Use a loop to ask for numbers, until the value -99 is entered