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[SOLVED] ULMS 766 Marketing Management JANUARY EXAMINATIONS 2020 C/C


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ULMS 766 Marketing Management

1. Critically evaluate the marketing concept based on your reading of relevant literature.

2. Develop an academic argument for the relevance of the 4P’s to today’s marketers

3. Assess the value of qualitative research as a method if establishing an understanding of the customer and their motivations to buy a product or service

4. Discuss the value of the Shannon-Weaver model of communication in assisting marketers to clearly communicate with their target audience through the communications mix.

5. Critically evaluate price setting in highly competitive markets. You should examine how cost, customer demand, competitor benchmarking and value-based approaches could be used providing examples for each.


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[SOLVED] ULMS 766 Marketing Management JANUARY EXAMINATIONS 2020 C/C