SEMESTER 1 2023/2024
FoodiUKM is a project that is aimed to provide an application to users who search for the delicious myriads of delicacies in UKM Bangi. This can include students, staff, and even people living around the area. Users can view the options, and order the food for themselves and their friends. There is even a choice of order now or self-pickup later to receive the food they ordered.
The National University of Malaysia (Malay: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, abbreviated as UKM) is a public university located in Bandar Baru Bangi, Hulu Langat District, Selangor, Malaysia. There are 17,500 undergraduate students enrolled, and 5,105 postgraduate students of which 1,368 are foreign students from 35 countries. Students of this university either live in the provided college dormitories or nearby housing areas but many still go to the university for classes every single day. Due to difficulty in distance between their class and living space, most just stay in the university while waiting in between classes and have their meals or snacks for breakfast to re-energise.
With the university having to handle so many students on a daily basis for this matter, almost every faculty and college dorm has a cafeteria for students to gather and have their meals. Just within the biggest and main UKM campus in Bangi itself, there are a total of 8 faculties and 10 college dormitories in which all knowledge of each cafeteria is only able to be spread around through word of mouth. This issue causes individuals to be uncertain and afraid to venture out to other cafeterias in fear certain information will turn out to be false. Students would even opt to just buy food delivery to their dormitories even if the additional cost was too high just to avoid the hardship of searching for the food themselves.
The comparison
Figure 2.0 : Use Case Diagram
2.1 Comparison
Grab |
FoodiUKM |
Delivery is made to the entire wide area |
Delivery is made only in UKM Bangi |
Too many features |
Easy to use and straight to the point |
Does not offer maps for users to go to their location |
Offers map for users to go to their location |
Function |
Android Component |
Login |
Activity, Explicit Intent, SharedPreferences, FirebaseAuth, Firebase Firestore |
Register |
Firebase Authentication, Firebase Firestore, DocumentReference |
Homepage |
connected to Cloud Firestore, and Firebase Storage,Nested Recyclerview, Implicit Intent, 3rd party library Graph |
Restaurant List |
Fragment, Expendable Recyclerview, Nested Recyclerview, connected to Cloud Firestore |
Map |
Activity, Explicit Intent, Permissions, Third-Party API & Library (Google Maps), Fragment, Toast, Log, Bundle |
Menu List |
connected to Cloud Firestore, and Firebase Storage, Recyclerview, Implicit Intent, SharedPreference |
Menu Details |
Activity, Explicit Intent, Firebase Authentication. Firestore, Random, Listener, Glide, Toast, Log, Bundle |
Cart |
connected to Cloud Firestore, Recyclerview, Implicit Intent, SharedPreference |
Payment method & Wallet |
Activity, Explicit & Implicit Intent, Toast, Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Log |
Checkout & Track order |
Explicit Intent, Firebase Database, DataSnapshot, ArrayList, ArrayAdapter |
Feedback |
AppCompatActivity, RecyclerView, SharedPreferences, Firebase Firestore, Explicit Intent, RecyclerView |
Receipt |
SharedPreference, Menu, FirebaseFirestore, Recyclerview, MenuInflater |
Navigation bar |
MenuInflater, Toolbar, ArrayList, Log |
1. User Registration and Login: Firebase Authentication
● Users can register as either a user or restaurant owner by providing a username, password, email, and phone number.
– fAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword: Firebase Authentication method attempts to create a new user with the provided information. It returns an AuthResult if successful.
– OnSuccessListener: If the user creation is successful, this listener is triggered and shows a “User Account Created” toast message and then creates a user document in Firestore.
– DocumentReference userDocument = fStore.collection(“User”).document(user.get Uid()): This line creates a reference to the Firestore document for the newly created user. The UID of the user is used as the document ID.
– userDocument.set(userInfo): This method sets the user information (e.g., password, user category, email, etc.) in the Firestore document.
2. Restaurant Browsing: Fragment and Nested RecycleView
● Users can browse restaurants by categories such as Western, Chinese, Thai, etc.
● The restaurants are listed with their names and a visual indication of their category.
– TabLayout and ViewPager Setup: The TabLayout is a UI component that provides a horizontal layout to display tabs, and the ViewPager2 is used to swipe between fragments. In this code, tabs for “Location” and “Category” are added to the TabLayout.
– ViewPagerAdapter: The ViewPagerAdapter manages the fragments displayed in the ViewPager2. It is initialised with the FragmentManager and is set as the adapter.
– addOnTabSelectedListener: Used to handle tabselection events. When a tab is selected, it sets the current item in the ViewPager2 to the position of the selected tab.
– registerOnPageChangeCallback: Used to synchronise changes in the ViewPager2 with the selected tab in the TabLayout.
3. Menu Exploration and Ordering: RecyclerView
● Users can view the menu of a selected restaurant, with options including dishes like chicken chop, lamb chop, etc.
● They can select dishes and specify the quantity for each dish and can then add the selected items to a cart.
– onCreateViewHolder: inflates the layout for individual items.
– onBindViewHolder: binds data to the UI components, sets up an OnClickListener for item clicks, and navigates to the MenuDetailsUser activity.
– getItemCount: returns the total number of items in the RecyclerView.
4. Cart and Checkout: RecyclerView
● Users can review their order summary in the cart.
– List
– LinearLayoutManager: It sets the layout manager for the RecyclerView to control the arrangement of items. In this case, it uses a vertical orientation.
– addToCartAdapter: It creates a new adapter instance and sets it to the RecyclerView. The adapter is responsible for creating views for items and managing the data.
– notifyDataSetChanged(): It notifies the adapter that the underlying data has changed
5. Map Direction: 3rd Party API (Google Maps)
● Users can view the direction to go to their desired restaurant
● System will detect the location of the restaurant
– RouteDrawing Class: This class is used for obtaining route information between two waypoints and is a part of the third-party library (com.codebyashish.googledirectionapi).
– RouteDrawing.Builder: The method starts by creating an instance, configuring various parameters using a builder pattern. Then context(ViewMap.this) is passed to the builder. travelMode(AbstractRouting.TravelMode.DRIVING) specifies the travel mode for route calculation. Here, it’s set to driving mode. withListener(this) sets the current activity as a listener for route-related callbacks. alternativeRoutes(true) specifies whether to include alternative routes.
– waypoints(start, end): Defines the starting and ending points (waypoints) for which the route needs to be calculated.
– routeDrawing.execute(): Initiates the execution of the route calculation.
– RouteListener : The ViewMap class implements the interface, which includes methods onRouteStart, onRouteSuccess, onRouteFailure, and onRouteCancelled. These methods are callbacks triggered during the route calculation process.
– Polyline: In the onRouteSuccess method, the code receives a list of route information and draws a polyline on the Google Map using the obtained points.
5. Payment:
● The application redirects to a payment gateway for transaction processing.
– FirebaseAuth: Used for user authentication. It provides methods for managing user sign-in states.
– Implicit Intent: An implicit intent is used to invoke components of the Android system. In this code, it’s used to open the Maybank2u website in a web browser.
– Query and DocumentReference (Firestore): Query and DocumentReference are Firestore components used for querying data. A Query represents a query over the data, and a DocumentReference refers to a specific document in the database.
– EventListeners: EventListener is used to listen for changes in Firestore data. In this code, it’s used to dynamically update the UI when the user’s wallet amount changes.
6. Order Completion and Feedback (RecyclerView):
● Upon order completion, users receive their order receipt.
● Users are prompted to provide feedback on their experience, particularly on the dish they ordered.
– RecyclerView: orderAdded is an instance of RecyclerView. It efficiently recycles and reuses views as the user scrolls through a list.
– SharedPreferences: A way to store key-value pairs in Android. It’s often used for storing small amounts of data persistently, such as user preferences.
– FirebaseFirestore: FirebaseFirestore is used to update the rating of the order user made
– RecyclerView Adapter (FeedbackAdapter): A custom adapter (FeedbackAdapter) is used to adapt the data to the RecyclerView. It extends RecyclerView.Adapter and manages the data and how it’s displayed in the RecyclerView.
– LayoutManager: Responsible for positioning items in a RecyclerView. In this case, a LinearLayoutManager is used to arrange items in a vertical list.
7.Navigation Bar
● Users may select options from the navigation bar whether to view restaurants, view profile,wallet or log out of the app.
– setupToolbar: The Toolbar is an essential component for creating a navigation bar. It is set up using the setupToolbar method in the ToolbarHandler class. This method is responsible for setting up the Toolbar with the specified ID and enabling the “Up” button for navigation.
– inflateMenu: This method is used to inflate the menu items into the Toolbar. This method inflates the menu specified by menuResId into the Toolbar.
– handleMenuItemClick: This method is crucial for handling click events on menu items. It checks the ID of the selected menu item and performs actions accordingly. In your case, it shows a logout confirmation dialog or handles other menu items.
The myriad of foods at UKM is an exciting journey for students to explore during their studies at the university. However, with most students not having transportation and knowledge of what exactly is around the university, it can be rather difficult to take a step out of their rooms. Having such an application can help students with this issue, especially first year students. With users being anyone who wants to eat UKM’s culinary expertise, this has a lot of potential for increasing its customer reach. Providing ease such as this to people who want to eat in UKM can increase the university’s prestige among those around the area.
With the majority of people having mobile phones in this modern era, there is an increase in mobile applications that provide all kinds of ease into the lives of users. Due to many reasons supported by the requirements elicitation conducted during this project, it supports the importance of FoodiUKM in the lives of people who stay around UKM with the objective of providing information on the eateries in this university. Not only does the list of objectives stated in this document aim to provide a solution to a common problem that many people face, but it is backed up by all the information that was gathered.
The system models that were designed were made in order to give a visual representation of our system before we continue to develop it in the near future. All models have different functions and angles in understanding the system, and with this information that they provide, the development process will be easier as we know all the requirements needed by the application.
Firebase. (2016, May 18). Introducing cloud storage for Firebase [Video]. YouTube.
Firebase. (2018, October 24). How to Structure Your Data | Get to know Cloud Firestore #5 [Video]. YouTube.
Fireship. (2022, February 17). Firebase in 100 seconds [Video]. YouTube.
Practical Coding. (2021, October 22). RecyclerView | Everything You need to know [Video]. YouTube.
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