[Solved] Text Reconstruction CS221


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In this homework, we consider two tasks: word segmentation and vowel insertion. Word segmentation often comes up when processing many non-English languages, in which words might not be flanked by spaces on either end, such as written Chinese or long compound German words.[1] Vowel insertion is relevant for languages like Arabic or Hebrew, where modern script eschews notations for vowel sounds and the human reader infers them from context.[2] More generally, this is an instance of a reconstruction problem with a lossy encoding and some context.

We already know how to optimally solve any particular search problem with graph search algorithms such as uniform cost search or A*. Our goal here is modeling that is, converting real-world tasks into state-space search problems.

Our algorithm will base segmentation and insertion decisions on the cost of processed text according to a language model. A language model is some function of the processed text that captures its fluency.

A very common language model in NLP is an n-gram sequence model. This is a function that, given n consecutive words, gives a cost based on to the negative likelihood that the n-th word appears just after the first n1.[3] The cost will always be positive, and lower costs indicate better fluency.[4] As a simple example: in a case where n=2 and c is our n-gram cost function, c(big, fish) would be low, but c(fish, fish) would be fairly high.

Furthermore, these costs are additive; for a unigram model u (n=1), the cost assigned to [w1,w2,w3,w4] is

For a bigram model b (n=2), the cost is

where w0 is -BEGIN-, a special token that denotes the beginning of the sentence.

We have estimated u and b based on the statistics of n-grams in text. Note that any words not in the corpus are automatically assigned a high cost, so you do not have to worry about this part.

A note on low-level efficiency and expectations: this assignment was designed considering input sequences of length no greater than roughly 200 (characters, or list items, depending on the task). Of course, its great if programs tractably manage larger inputs, but it isnt expected that such inputs not lead to inefficiency due to overwhelming state space growth.

In word segmentation, you are given as input a string of alphabetical characters ([a-z]) without whitespace, and your goal is to insert spaces into this string such that the result is the most fluent according to the language model.

  1. [2 points] Consider the following greedy algorithm: Begin at the front of the string. Find the ending position for the next word that minimizes the language model cost. Repeat, beginning at the end of this chosen segment.Show that this greedy search is suboptimal. In particular, provide an example input string on which the greedy approach would fail to find the lowest-cost segmentation of the input.In creating this example, you are free to design the n-gram cost function (both the choice of n and the cost of any n-gram sequences) but costs must be positive and lower cost should indicate better fluency. Note that the cost function doesnt need to be explicitly defined. You can just point out the relative cost of different word sequences that are relevant to the example you provide. And your example should be based on a realistic English word sequence dont simply use abstract symbols with designated costs.
  2. [10 points] Implement an algorithm that, unlike greedy, finds the optimal word segmentation of an input character sequence. Your algorithm will consider costs based simply on a unigram cost function.Before jumping into code, you should think about how to frame this problem as a state-space search problem. How would you represent a state? What are the successors of a state? What are the state transition costs? (You dont need to answer these questions in your writeup.)Uniform cost search (UCS) is implemented for you, and you should make use of it here.[5]Fill in the member functions of the SegmentationProblem class and the segmentWords function. The argument unigramCost is a function that takes in a single string representing a word and outputs its unigram cost. You can assume that all the inputs would be in lower case. The function segmentWords should return the segmented sentence with spaces as delimiters, i.e. ' '.join(words).For convenience, you can actually run python submission.py to enter a console in which you can type character sequences that will be segmented by your implementation of segmentWords. To request a segmentation, type seg mystring into the prompt. For example:
          >> seg thisisnotmybeautifulhouse        Query (seg): thisisnotmybeautifulhouse        this is not my beautiful house

    Console commands other than seg namely ins and both will be used for the upcoming parts of the assignment. Other commands that might help with debugging can be found by typing help at the prompt.You are encouraged to refer to NumberLineSearchProblem and GridSearchProblem implemented in util.py for reference. They dont contribute to testing your submitted code but only serve as a guideline for what your code should look like.

Now you are given a sequence of English words with their vowels missing (A, E, I, O, and U; never Y). Your task is to place vowels back into these words in a way that maximizes sentence fluency (i.e., that minimizes sentence cost). For this task, you will use a bigram cost function.

You are also given a mapping possibleFills that maps any vowel-free word to a set of possible reconstructions (complete words).[6] For example, possibleFills('fg') returns set(['fugue', 'fog']).

  1. [2 points] Consider the following greedy-algorithm: from left to right, repeatedly pick the immediate-best vowel insertion for current vowel-free word given the insertion that was chosen for the previous vowel-free word. This algorithm does not take into account future insertions beyond the current word.Show, as in question 1, that this greedy algorithm is suboptimal, by providing a realistic counter-example using English text. Make any assumptions youd like about possibleFills and the bigram cost function, but bigram costs must remain positive.
  2. [10 points] Implement an algorithm that finds optimal vowel insertions. Use the UCS subroutines.When youve completed your implementation, the function insertVowels should return the reconstructed word sequence as a string with space delimiters, i.e. ' '.join(filledWords). Assume that you have a list of strings as the input, i.e. the sentence has already been split into words for you. Note that empty string is a valid element of the list.The argument queryWords is the input sequence of vowel-free words. Note that the empty string is a valid such word. The argument bigramCost is a function that takes two strings representing two sequential words and provides their bigram score. The special out-of-vocabulary beginning-of-sentence word -BEGIN- is given by wordsegUtil.SENTENCE_BEGIN. The argument possibleFills is a function that takes a word as string and returns a set of reconstructions.Since we use a limited corpus, some seemingly obvious strings may have no filling, eg chclt -> {}, where chocolate is actually a valid filling. Dont worry about these cases.Note: If some vowel-free word w has no reconstructions according to possibleFills, your implementation should consider w itself as the sole possible reconstruction.Use the ins command in the program console to try your implementation. For example:
          >> ins thts m n th crnr        Query (ins): thts m n th crnr        thats me in the corner

    The console strips away any vowels you do insert, so you can actually type in plain English and the vowel-free query will be issued to your program. This also means that you can use a single vowel letter as a means to place an empty string in the sequence. For example:

          >> ins its a beautiful day in the neighborhood        Query (ins): ts  btfl dy n th nghbrhd        its a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Well now see that its possible to solve both of these tasks at once. This time, you are given a whitespace- and vowel-free string of alphabetical characters. Your goal is to insert spaces and vowels into this string such that the result is as fluent as possible. As in the previous task, costs are based on a bigram cost function.

  1. [2 points] Consider a search problem for finding the optimal space and vowel insertions. Formalize the problem as a search problem; what are the states, actions, costs, initial state, and end test? Try to find a minimal representation of the states.
  2. [20 points] Implement an algorithm that finds the optimal space and vowel insertions. Use the UCS subroutines.When youve completed your implementation, the function segmentAndInsert should return a segmented and reconstructed word sequence as a string with space delimiters, i.e. ' '.join(filledWords).The argument query is the input string of space- and vowel-free words. The argument bigramCost is a function that takes two strings representing two sequential words and provides their bigram score. The special out-of-vocabulary beginning-of-sentence word -BEGIN- is given by wordsegUtil.SENTENCE_BEGIN. The argument possibleFills is a function; it takes a word as string and returns a set of reconstructions.Note: Unlike in problem 2, where a vowel-free word could (under certain circumstances) be considered a valid reconstruction of itself, here you should only include in your output words that are the reconstruction of some vowel-free word according to possibleFills. Additionally, you should not include words containing only vowels such as a or i; all words should include at least one consonant from the input string.Use the command both in the program console to try your implementation. For example:
          >> both mgnllthppl        Query (both): mgnllthppl        imagine all the people
  3. [4 points] Lets find a way to speed up joint space and vowel insertion with A*. Recall that having to score an output using a bigram model b(w,w) is more expensive than using a unigram model u(w) because we have to remember the previous word w in the state. Given the bigram model b (a function that takes any (w,w) and returns a number), define a unigram model ub (a function that takes any w and returns a number) based on b. Now define a heuristic h based on solving a simpler minimum cost path problem with ub, and prove that h is consistent.To show that h is consistent, construct a relaxed search problem. Recall that a search problem P with cost function Cost(s,a) is a relaxation of a search problem P with cost function Cost(s,a) if they have the same states and actions and Cost(s,a)Cost(s,a) for all states s and actions a. Explicitly define the states, actions, cost, start state, and end test of the relaxation.Example: we could define ub(w)=wb(w,w), where w ranges over possible previous word w. However, this heuristic is not consistent.Note: Dont confuse ub defined here with the unigram cost function u used in Problem 1.

[1] In German, Windschutzscheibenwischer is windshield wiper. Broken into parts: wind ~ wind; schutz ~ block / protection; scheiben ~ panes; wischer ~ wiper.

[2] See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abjad.

[3] This model works under the assumption that text roughly satisfies the Markov property.

[4] Modulo edge cases, the n-gram model score in this assignment is given by (w1,,wn)=log(p(wnw1,,wn1)). Here, p() is an estimate of the conditional probability distribution over words given the sequence of previous n1 words. This estimate is gathered from frequency counts taken by reading Leo Tolstoys War and Peace and William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet.

[5] Solutions that use UCS ought to exhibit fairly fast execution time for this problem, so using A* here is unnecessary.

[6] This mapping, too, was obtained by reading Tolstoy and Shakespeare and removing vowels.

5/5 – (1 vote)

This (and every) assignment has a written part and a programming part.

The full assignment with our supporting code and scripts can be downloaded as reconstruct.zip.

  1. This icon means a written answer is expected in reconstruct.pdf.
  2. This icon means you should write code in submission.py.

You should modify the code in submission.py between




but you can add other helper functions outside this block if you want. Do not make changes to files other than submission.py.Your code will be evaluated on two types of test cases, basic and hidden, which you can see in grader.py. Basic tests, which are fully provided to you, do not stress your code with large inputs or tricky corner cases. Hidden tests are more complex and do stress your code. The inputs of hidden tests are provided in grader.py, but the correct outputs are not. To run the tests, you will need to have graderUtil.py in the same directory as your code and grader.py. Then, you can run all the tests by typing

python grader.py

This will tell you only whether you passed the basic tests. On the hidden tests, the script will alert you if your code takes too long or crashes, but does not say whether you got the correct output. You can also run a single test (e.g., 3a-0-basic) by typing

python grader.py 3a-0-basic

We strongly encourage you to read and understand the test cases, create your own test cases, and not just blindly run grader.py.

General Instructions

Setup: n-gram language models and uniform-cost search



Problem 1: word segmentation

Problem 2: vowel insertion


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[Solved] Text Reconstruction CS221