[Solved] Telephone

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Write a program that randomly mutates some given text which may be given on the command line:

$ ./telephone.py 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'You said: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."I heard : "The qu)ck brown HoN jumps over thf lazy dog."

Or from a file:

$ ./telephone.py ../inputs/fox.txtYou said: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."I heard : "=he quick brswn fox jumps over the*[azy dog."

The program should accept a -m or --mutations that is a floating point number between 0 and 1 that represents a percentage of mutations to introduce:

$ ./telephone.py -m .5 ../inputs/fox.txtYou said: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."I heard : "weeqhR$kBbxown|foGLFuvn| ooe: t'. l"zy d&:."

It should also accept a -s or --seed argument for the random seed to ensure reproducible results:

$ ./telephone.py -s 2 ../inputs/fox.txtYou said: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."I heard : "TheNqHick Crown fox jum_s over the lazy dog."

If provided no arguments, it should print a brief usage:

$ ./telephone.pyusage: telephone.py [-h] [-s int] [-m float] strtelephone.py: error: the following arguments are required: str
$ ./telephone.py -husage: telephone.py [-h] [-s int] [-m float] strTelephonepositional arguments:  str                   Input text or fileoptional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -s int, --seed int    Random seed (default: None)  -m float, --mutations float                        Percent mutations (default: 0.1)

Run the test suite to ensure your program is correct:

$ make testpytest -xv test.py============================= test session starts ==============================...collected 10 itemstest.py::test_exists PASSED                                              [ 10%]test.py::test_usage PASSED                                               [ 20%]test.py::test_bad_seed_str PASSED                                        [ 30%]test.py::test_bad_mutation_str PASSED                                    [ 40%]test.py::test_bad_mutation PASSED                                        [ 50%]test.py::test_for_echo PASSED                                            [ 60%]test.py::test_now_cmd_s1 PASSED                                          [ 70%]test.py::test_now_cmd_s2_m4 PASSED                                       [ 80%]test.py::test_fox_file_s1 PASSED                                         [ 90%]test.py::test_fox_file_s2_m6 PASSED                                      [100%]============================== 10 passed in 0.82s ==============================


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[Solved] Telephone
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