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[SOLVED] Sudoku solver v1.3 cpt s 489


File Name: Sudoku_solver_v1_3_cpt_s_489.zip
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5/5 - (1 vote)

In this assignment, you will extend the Sudoku foundation classes to make a puzzle solver. There’s only 1
function that needs to be added, although you can add more as needed to help this function work.
Add the solve function to the Sudoku9x9 class. This function does not take any parameters. The function
should solve for all cells in the puzzle. Return an object with a solved member, which is a bool value. True
indicates that the puzzle was fully solved, false indicates that it was not.
The HTML page includes several sample puzzles of varying difficulty taken from a variety of sources. You can
look through the code to see how these sample puzzles are declared and add extras if you wish. But the
included set should provide a good overall test of your code.
When you click the button on the page to solve the puzzle, your Sudoku9x9 object is constructed and then the
solve() function is called. The time is measured for the construction and solve calls. The combined time for
these two operations is considered to be the time it takes to solve the puzzle.
On a 3.5GHZ machine, you must be able to solve the puzzle in under 1000 milliseconds (1 second). To achieve
this, you must implement many of the Sudoku logic solving rules. A brute-force approach will not suffice. That
being said, implementing many logic rules just to narrow down possibilities and then doing a guess-and-check
for the remainder may suffice for achieving <1 second solving time. It’s up to you to find a balance and
implement the solving logic so that it correctly solves the puzzle in the required time.
For a reference, my solver on a 3.5 GHZ machine solved the hardest puzzle in about 115 milliseconds. It took
about 430 milliseconds on an iPhone 6. It also finds the exact number of possible solutions. I have verified that
all sample puzzles only have 1 possible solution, and your solver only needs to solve puzzles with 1 possible
solution. It’s not a true Sudoku puzzle if it has more than 1 solution.
3/3 if all puzzles can be solved, each in less than 1000 milliseconds
2/3 if all puzzles with 75% difficulty or lower can be solved in under 1000 milliseconds. This means all puzzles
that are:
• rated 3 or lower on a scale out of 4, or
• rated 4 or lower on a scale out of 6, or
• “Easy” or “Medium” on an Easy/Medium/Hard scale
1/3 if all puzzles with 50% difficulty or lower can be solved in under 1000 milliseconds.
0/3 for anything else

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[SOLVED] Sudoku solver v1.3 cpt s 489