Homework Assignment 1
• Due before 10:00 PM on Friday, January 24, 2024.
• Submit a copy of PDF with your solution to Avenue to Learn. You don’t need to write the questions in your answers.
• Late Penalty for Assignments: A 15% penalty will be applied for each day an assignment is submitted after 72 hours past the due date (rounded up). This includes accommodations for extended time through SAS.
• Assignments submitted after 72 hours will receive a grade of zero.
• Your assignment must conform to the Assignment Standards listed below.
Assignment Standards
• Write your name and student number on the title page. We will not grade assignments without the title page.
• Quarto Jupyter Notebook is strongly recommended.
• Eleven-point font (times or similar) must be used with 1.5 line spacing and margins of at least 1~inch all around.
• Use newpage to write solution for each question (Question 1, 2, 3).
• No screenshots are accepted for any reason.
• The writing and referencing should be appropriate to the undergradaute level.
• You may discuss homework problems with other students, but you have to prepare the written assignments yourself.
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Question 1
Open the surface weather dataset at noaa-gsod.csv (a subset of a much larger dataset). The larger
dataset is available at
(a) Read the documentation on this dataset. What are visib and fog variables?
1. Visit the website
2. Read about the variables.
3. Then, find out what are visib and fog.
(b) What are the data types of visib and fog? Use the data dictionary and the data type in function.
1. Now read the dataset at noaa-gsod.csv. Let’s call the data frame df.
2. Find the data type of visib and fog variables.
(c) Use appropritate visual tools to explore the distribution of visib and fog variables, seperately. Choose an appropriate scale for the vertical axis and colors. What do you notice?
1. Find the type of visual tool for each variable. You may need to covert the variables to appropriate types.
2. Write down what do you notice from these plots (missingness, outliers, any other patterns?).
(d) If there are any, replace all missing values in the visib and fog variables with explicit NaN missing values. Comment on how do you identify missing values.
Missing values may be an unsual value for the variable.
(e) Create the visual tools in (b) for the visib and fog variables again, ignoring any missing values. Provide a clear and concise description of the plot – this description should be cast in the context of the surface weather dataset.
Describe the range of values. Describe the shape (bell shape or right-skewed or left-skewed). De- scribe the mode (peak of the histogram). Description of the plots should be written using the description of the variable found in part (a).
Question 2
We will use Spotify Tracks DB dataset from Kaggle, curated using the Spotify Web API. This API provides detailed information about each track, using the Spotify URI and Spotify ID as unique identifiers. Download the SpotifyFeatures.csv file from the provided link.
(a) How many observations and variables are in the dataset?
1. Go to the link Spotify Tracks DB dataset from Kaggle.
2. On this page, there is a Download option at the top right-hand side. Click it.
3. A zip file will be downloaded. Then, unzip it.
4. Move that dataset SpotifyFeatures.csv to where you have our assignment notebook.
5. Use pd.read_csv() to read the data. Let’s call it spotify.
6. Use appropritate function to find the dimension of the spotify dataset.
(b) Verify that track__id is unique for each observation. Comment on your findings. If duplicates are present, how many duplicate track id entries exist? Remove the duplicate tracks from the dataset before proceeding with further analysis.
Note: Duplicates may occur because a track can belong to multiple genres.
• Use is.unique to check duplicated track_id.
• Use duplicated and sum() to find the number of duplicated track_id.
• Use drop_duplicates() to drop the duplicate track_id.
(c) For each track_id, there is genre, artist_name, track_name, popularity, and some features of the track acousticness, danceability, duration in milliseconds, energy, instrumentalness, key, liveliness, loudness, mode,speechiness, tempo, time_signature and valence. Analyze and comment on the types of these variables, grouping variables of the same type together in your discussion.
Use .dtypes() to find the data types. Then, comment on the data types for the above variables.
(d) How many unique genres are there in the dataset?
Use .nunique() to determine this, along with other techniques. Note: There may be variations in genre names due to ambiguous characters or formatting differences.
(e) Calculate the average popularity for each genre and identify the five most popular genres. Select all tracks associated with these top five genres and use this subset of tracks to answer questions (f) through (h).
(f) Visualize the distribution of genre using an appropriate method and interpret the plot. Ar- range the genres in ascending order of frequency in the visualization.
1. What is the data type of genre?
2. Choose the appropriate visualization method.
3. Interpret the plot. For example, which genre mostly appears in the dataset?
(g) Examine the relationship between genre and popularity using an appropriate visualization method. Ensure the plot accounts for the varying number of tracks across different genres, and interpret the results.
• Use the width of the boxplot proportional to relative frequency of each genre.
– compute the number of tracks in each genre using .value_count().
– relative frequency = counts/len(dataframe)
(h) Explore the relationship between acousticness and popularity. Use an appropriate visual- ization method to avoid overplotting for this large dataset. Interpret the association between acousticness and popularity.
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