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[SOLVED] Stat580 homework 3


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1. Write a C function to provide the largest eigenvalue and eigenvector of a nonnegative
definite matrix using the power method. The function should take in a function pointer
which defines the multiplication of a matrix in appropriate storage format and a vector.
[15 points](a) Use calls to the above function in another C function which provides the first m
eigenvalues of a positive definite matrix. [5 points](b) Demonstrate the above in an example program. [5 points]2. Let X1, X2, . . . , Xn be a sample. Let sij = s(Xi
, Xj ) be a similarity measure between
Xi and Xj
. For example, sij = Corr(Xi
, Xj ). Let n
i be the set of Xj s which are
the k-nearest neighbors to Xi
.That is, for each i, let sij1 ≥ sij2 ≥ . . . ≥ sijn−1 be
the ordered similarities (in decreasing order) among {sij : j ∈ (1, 2, . . . , i − 1, i + 1, i +
2, . . . , n)}. Then Xj1
, Xj2
, . . . , Xjk
are the k-nearest neighbors of Xi
.(a) Write a function n k(i, j,…) in C (of appropriate arguments) which takes in
a dataset and for any two observation pairs (i, j) and a user-supplied similarity
measure, returns 0 if i and j are not among the k-nearest neighbors of each other
and 1 if they both are among the k-nearest neighbors of the other. Let Nk be the
set of (i, j) for which the above function returns 1. [15 points](b) Use the above to write a function in C which takes in a dataset and a user-supplied
similarity measure and filters out those observations that are not a K-nearest
neighbor to another observation. In order to make this function easy to use in
big data problems, make sure that you do not unnecessarily store the distance
matrix. Test the function. [5 points]3. For any X1, X2, . . . , Xn (assumed to be filtered as with a call to the previous function),
calculate the similarity matrix W with non-zero elements Wij = sij when (i, j) ∈ Nk
and sij = Corr(Xi
, Xj ) when Corr(Xi
, Xj ) > ρ.Clearly, W is a sparse symmetric
matrix that can be stored in the sparse packed format. (Actually, it can be stored even
more efficiently, since the diagonals are all unity but we will ignore this for now.)Let G be the diagonal matrix with W1 in the diagonals. Here 1 = (1, 1, . . . , 1)0
It is common to think of the points X1, X2, . . . , Xn as nodes on a graph, with edges
between nodes weighted by similarities Wij and gi
’s as the so-called node degrees, that
is, the sum of the weights of the edges connected to node ii.Consider the standardized (with respect to the node degrees) graph Laplacian matrix
as L = I − G−1W. Then L is sparse and further the smallest eigenvalues of L
are the same (in reverse order) as the largest eigenvalues of G−1W, and they share
the same respective eigenvectors.Obtain the first m eigenvectors. How does one
determine m? One may do so on the basis of the eigenvalues of L that are close to zero
(equivalently, on the basis of those eigenvalues of G−1W that are close to unity). The
above framework provides the background for spectral clustering (which additionally
involves clustering these eigenvectors).Write a function in C which does the above in a general framework. Test the function
(if it is too cumbersome, you may test the function using a subset of the observations
below for testing purposes.) [25 points]4. Microarray gene expression data. The file, diurnaldata.csv contains gene expression
data on 22,810 genes from Arabidopsis plants exposed to equal periods of light and
darkness in the diurnal cycle. Leaves were harvested at eleven time-points, at the
start of the experiment (end of the light period) and subsequently after 1, 2, 4, 8 and
12 hours of darkness and light each.Note that there are 23 columns, with the first
column representing the gene probeset. Columns 2–12 represent measurements on gene
abundance taken at 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 hours of darkness and light each, while columns
13-23 represent the same for a second replication. Note that the file has a header and
also that the first column, in character, is not particularly of value.Use the functions written in the problems above to obtain the eigenvectors, using only
the first replication, and provide plots of the eigenvectors for different values of k, ρ
and m. Comment. [15 points]5. In this problem, you will generate and print out all possible strings c1c2 · · · c8 where
ci ∈ {A, C, G, T}. Write a program that uses eight nested loops to output the strings.Can you rewrite the program to take advantage of the bitwise operators? Can you adapt
the second program to output, with one minor change, all possible strings c1c2 · · · c16
of length 16? [15 points]


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[SOLVED] Stat580 homework 3