Write static methods as follows: double sum(double[] a) returns the sum of the entries in the array a. double[] fill(int n, double v) returns an array of n doubles, all of whose values are v. double[] random (int n) return an array of n random doubles. double min(double[] a) returns the minimum element of the array a. double max(double[] a) returns the maximum element of the array a. double average(double[] a) returns the average (or mean) of the elements of the array a. double variance(double[] a) returns the variance of the elements of the array a (note: thismethod should call your average method). double stdDev(double[] a) returns the standard deviation of the elements of the array a (note:this method should call your variance method). double[] read() reads an array from the keyboard and returns it (read the number of elementsfirst, and then that many numbers). void print(double[] a) prints an array, a, on a single line with commas between elements (doNOT use Arrays.toString()).Write a Main class with a main method that tests your methods appropriately (i.e. by calling eachmethod at least once with various inputs), and printing the results.Question 2Consider the following method and method call:public static int inc(int a) {a++;return a;}int a = 10;int b = inc(a + 12);int c = inc(a);System.out.println(a);System.out.println(b);System.out.println(c);What is the output from this code? Carefully explain your answer (i.e. carefully show how the methodinc is called).Question 3Consider the following method and method call:public static int[] inc(int[] a) {a[0]++;return a;}int[] a = { 10, 20, 30, 40 };int[] b = inc(a);System.out.println(b[0]);System.out.println(a[0]);What is the output from this code? Carefully explain your answer (i.e. carefully show how the methodinc is called).Question 4Consider the following code:int[] a = { 10, 20, 30, 40 };int[] b = a;int[] c = { 10, 20, 30, 40 };System.out.println(a == b);System.out.println(a == c);What is the output from this code? Carefully explain your answer.
[Solved] SOLVED:Write static methods as follows: double sum(double[] a)
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