[Solved] SOLVED:RPG Combat Soln


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1.1 Details In this assignment you will write a program to simulate combat for a simple Role Playing Game (RPG). The game will have a single type of character, the Fighter. Each individual Fighter will have an integer value called hit points that represents his/her current health (the amount of damage he/she can sustain before death). 1 The program will simulate combat between two Fighters. Combat will be divided into rounds. During each round each combatant will make one attempt to strike the other. Determining which Fighter attacks rst in a round is important because the rst attacker might kill his opponent before the opponent has a chance to attack him. In table top RPGs the order of attacks is often determined by rolling dice. For example, each combatant rolls a six-sided die. The higher roller attacks rst. The lower roller attacks second if he is still alive. Well use random numbers to simulate the rolling of dice. In the event of a tie, well consider the attacks to occur simultaneously (i.e. the Fighters attempt to strike each other at the exact same moment). During a simultaneous attack both Fighters will get to attack even if one (or both) is (are) killed during that round. Well use a random number to determine whether an attack attempt is successful or not. Each successful attack will inict damage on the opponent. To simulate damage, well reduce the opponents hit points by another random number. When a Fighters hit points are reduced to 0 (or less than 0) he is considered to be dead. Combat rounds will continue until one (or both) combatants are dead. Create a new le called rpg.py. In the le: 1.) Write a class called Fighter. Inside the class: A.) Write a initializer method called init that takes 2 parameters: self (all of your methods will have this as the rst parameter), and name (a string, the name of a ghter). The initializer method will: set a name attribute to the value of the name parameter. set a hit points attribute to 10 (i.e. all ghters begin life with 10 hit points.) B.) Write a method called repr that takes one parameter: self. The method returns a string showing the name and hit points of the instance in the following format: Bonzo (HP: 9) In this example Bonzo is the Fighters name and he currently has 9 hit points. C.) Write a method called take damage that takes two parameters: self (the Fighter instance that calls the method), and damage amount (an integer representing the number of hit points of damage that have just been inicted on this Fighter): i.) The method should rst decrease the hit point attribute by the damage amount. ii.) It should next check to see if the Fighter has died from the damage: A hit points value that is zero or less indicates death. In that case print a message as shown in the following example: Alas, Bonzo has fallen! In this example the Fighters name is Bonzo Otherwise print a message as shown in the following example: Bonzo has 5 hit points remaining. In this example the Fighters name is Bonzo and he has 5 hit points left over after the damage. iii.) This method returns nothing. D.) Write a method called attack that takes two parameters: self (the Fighter instance that calls the method), and other (another Fighter instance being attacked by self) i.) The method will print the name of the attacker and attacked in the following format: Bonzo attacks Chubs! 2 ii.) Next determine whether the attack hits by generating a random integer between 1 and 20. A number that is 12 or higher indicates a hit1: For an attack that hits: a.) Generate a random integer between 1 and 6 to represent the amount of damage inicted by the attack. b.) Print the amount of damage inicted as in the following example: Hits for 4 hit points! c.) Invoke the take damage method on the victim (i.e. on other), passing it the amount of damage inicted. For an attack that misses, just print the following message: Misses! iii.) This method returns nothing 2.) Outside of the class write a function called combat round that takes two parameters. The rst is an instance of Fighter. The second is another instance of Fighter. i.) The function determines which of the two ghters attacks rst for the round by generating a random integer between 1 and 6 for each ghter: If the numbers are equal: a.) Print the following message: Simultaneous! b.) Have each ghter instance call his attack method on the other ghter (the order of the two method calls doesnt matter since were considering these to be simultaneous attacks) If one number is larger: a.) The ghter with the larger roll attacks rst (by calling his attack method and passing it the ghter being attacked) b.) If the second ghter survives the attack, he then attacks the rst. ii.) This function returns nothing. 3.) In main: i.) Create two instances of the Fighter class (you can choose the names of your Fighters) ii.) Next repeat the following process until one (or both) ghters have been slain (remember, a Fighter is dead when it has less than 1 hit point): a.) Print the combat round number (start with 1) as shown in the following example: ====================== ROUND 1 ====================== b.) Print each Fighters information (remember how the repr method works). E.g.: Bonzo (HP: 4) Chubs (HP: 7) c.) Use the input function to pause the program (like we did in our turtle graphics programs) until the user presses enter. Prompt the user with the following message: Enter to Fight! d.) Use your combat round function to simulate a single round of combat. 1For the curious: The numbers are from Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in which you roll a 20 sided die to determine a hit. They assume the attacker is a 1st level Fighter swinging a club and the defender is wearing leather armor. 3 iii.) Finally print a message indicating the battle has ended, followed by the information for each of the Fighters, as shown in the following example: The battle is over! Bonzo (HP: 3) Chubs (HP: -2) 4.) Adjust all of your output so that it looks pretty. See the example output below. 5.) Verify that your documentation makes sense and that youve added documentation to each of your functions. 6.) Verify that your program works 7.) Upload your le to the Program 10 dropbox folder on D2L 1.2 Example Output The following is an example of the output you might see when running this program: =================== ROUND 1 =================== Bonzo (HP: 10) Chubs (HP: 10) Enter to Fight! Simultaneous! Bonzo attacks Chubs! Hits for 1 hit points! Chubs has 9 hit points remaining. Chubs attacks Bonzo! Misses! =================== ROUND 2 =================== Bonzo (HP: 10) Chubs (HP: 9) Enter to Fight! Chubs attacks Bonzo! Hits for 4 hit points! Bonzo has 6 hit points remaining. Bonzo attacks Chubs! Hits for 3 hit points! Chubs has 6 hit points remaining. =================== ROUND 3 =================== Bonzo (HP: 6) Chubs (HP: 6) Enter to Fight! Bonzo attacks Chubs! Hits for 3 hit points! Chubs has 3 hit points remaining. Chubs attacks Bonzo! Hits for 1 hit points! Bonzo has 5 hit points remaining. 4 =================== ROUND 4 =================== Bonzo (HP: 5) Chubs (HP: 3) Enter to Fight! Simultaneous! Bonzo attacks Chubs! Hits for 5 hit points! Alas, Chubs has fallen! Chubs attacks Bonzo! Hits for 2 hit points! Bonzo has 3 hit points remaining. The battle is over! Bonzo (HP: 3) Chubs (HP: -2) Here is a second example of running the program: =================== ROUND 1 =================== Bonzo (HP: 10) Chubs (HP: 10) Enter to Fight! Bonzo attacks Chubs! Hits for 3 hit points! Chubs has 7 hit points remaining. Chubs attacks Bonzo! Hits for 3 hit points! Bonzo has 7 hit points remaining. =================== ROUND 2 =================== Bonzo (HP: 7) Chubs (HP: 7) Enter to Fight! Bonzo attacks Chubs! Misses! Chubs attacks Bonzo! Hits for 4 hit points! Bonzo has 3 hit points remaining. =================== ROUND 3 =================== Bonzo (HP: 3) Chubs (HP: 7) Enter to Fight! Simultaneous! Bonzo attacks Chubs! Misses! Chubs attacks Bonzo! Misses! =================== ROUND 4 =================== Bonzo (HP: 3) 5 Chubs (HP: 7) Enter to Fight! Chubs attacks Bonzo! Hits for 4 hit points! Alas, Bonzo has fallen! The battle is over! Bonzo (HP: -1) Chubs (HP: 7) 6


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[Solved] SOLVED:RPG Combat Soln