[Solved] SOLVED:Programming Assignment 6: Soft Drink Vending Machine Simulation Solution

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NO programs will be accepted after this due time !!!i.e. NO LATE PROGRAMS AND NO EXTENSIONS !!!Learning Objectives• To write a program which requires the creation and manipulation of an array of structs• To utilize the typedef construct to create and work with the array of structs• To utilize C++ strings to work with textual data (the C++ string class)• To practice more advanced file input• To make use of a standard sorting algorithm, the selection sort• To simulate a common real-world process which is typically controlled by software

Problem StatementWrite a program to simulate a soft drink vending machine. The program will work with drink names, their prices, and the current number available in the machine.First, you will read the initial machine state information from a data file named machine.txt. This file will contain the drink names, the price per can for each drink, and the number of cans available in the machine initially for each drink. If the initial data was represented by that in this table, Drink Name Price Per Can Number in Machine InitiallyCola 0.50 5Ruby Red Blast 0.80 10Lemon Lime 0.75 8Grape Soda 0.85 20Citrus Cooler 0.85 0Sweet Tea 1.00 11the text file would contain:Cola<eoln0.50 5<eolnRuby Red Blast<eoln0.80 10<eolnLemon Lime<eoln0.75 8<eolnGrape Soda<eoln0.85 20<eolnCitrus Cooler<eoln0.85 0<eolnSweet Tea<eoln1.00 11<eoln< eofNotice that the machine can hold six drinks with a maximum of twenty cans per drink.In this project, your program must read in and store the machine data in an array of structs, where each struct contains• drink name (C++ string class object; may contain blanks)• price (double)• number of cans available (int)Each time the program runs, it will enter a loop that performs the following steps: a list of drinks and their prices is displayed on the screen. The user is then allowed to either quit the program or pick a drink. If the user selects a drink, the program will notify the user that $1.00 must be entered forpayment. The program will then display the amount of change that would be returned and subtract one from the number of drinks left in the machine for that drink. If the user selects a drink that is sold out, a message to that effect will be displayed. The loop then repeats. When the user chooses to quitthe program, the program must display the total amount of profit the machine earned during the current run. The profit on each can is calculated as $0.25 per can, for all drinks.After the user has quit and your program has printed out the total profit, it must then sort the array of structs containing the drinks into descending numeric order according to the number of cans of eachdrink which are available. Then, print out a summary table of the machine’s final state, which includes the drink names, prices, and cans available in the machine at that point.InputInput is both interactive and from a data file in this project. You may assume the data file is not empty and is completely correct.You may hardcode the name of the input file directly into your program. You must implement a check to see if the file specified does open, and if it does not, terminate the run using either return in main or exit in another function, as discussed in lectures. If this occurs be sure to print out an appropriateerror message for the user.User input consists of an integer representing a choice of drink (1 through 6), or the command to quit (0). You may not assume that the user enters an integer when prompted; hence you must check for the fail state and recover as needed.The program must also perform bad data checking on the value of this user input item, and re-prompt the user until a valid menu choice is entered.OutputFor this project, you will be required to design the appropriate output yourself. Use your creativity.Follow the style guidelines for output we have been discussing and demonstrating all semester. Here are some basic ideas to keep in mind:• All input data must be echoprinted• All important values calculated must be printed• You are simulating the interaction between a person using a drink machine and that machine; if you were buying drinks, what would you need to see displayed to understand what was happening at each step? What would you like to see to make the machine user-friendly?Be sure to check your output for correctness using the testing and debugging techniques we discussed in class.Use Of Functions, Parameters, Modularity, Design et. al.Part of your grade on this project will be determined by how well you utilize multiple functions and parameter passing appropriately and how well you design a modular and functionally cohesive program using the principles discussed in class. Large grade point penalties can be incurred for notsetting up a modular, well designed program structure. Global variables must not be used or large point penalties will be applied. All of the above emphasizes good program structure, design, and very basic, fundamental software engineering principles. Start by working on a good design, structure chart, etc. Recitation meetings will be an excellent source of help with this.Use Of Data Structures and Data TypesYou are required to use an array of structs as the major data structure on this project with each struct as specified earlier in this write-up. Use the C++ string class to store and manipulate drink names.Use the typedef construct to both create and work with your array of structs type.You will only have one array of structs declared in this program. You do not need any other arrays to complete the task as specified (with the exception of the C++ string class objects discussed above, which by nature, contain arrays as their class member data). You may not use any two-dimensional arrays, dynamic arrays, or user-defined classes on this project. You also may not use the C++Standard Template Library classes or algorithms, with the exception of the C++ string class as described here, and the standard basic iostream classes as discussed in this course.


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[Solved] SOLVED:Programming Assignment 6: Soft Drink Vending Machine Simulation Solution
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