[Solved] SOLVED:Inheritance- Payment.java, CashPayment.java ,CreditCardPayment.java


File Name: SOLVED:Inheritance-_Payment.java,_CashPayment.java_,CreditCardPayment.java.zip
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Create a new Java project in your Eclipse workspace named: Lab06 In the src folder, create a package named: edu.ilstu.it275.lab06. Create a class called Payment.java which will contain an attribute of type double that stores the amount of the payment and appropriate accessor and mutator methods. Also careate a method named paymentDetails that outputs an English sentence to describe the amount of the payment. In addition to the default constructor, provide a constructor that receives the payment amount. Next, create a class called CashPayment.java that is derived from the Payment class. Override the paymentDetails method to indicate that the payment is in cash. Provide appropriate constructor(s). Next, create a class called CreditCardPayment.java that is derived from the Payment class. This class should contain the attributes for the name on the card, expiration date (as a String), and credit card number (as a String) as well as appropriate accessor and mutator methods. Override the paymentDetails method to include the credit card information in the printout.


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[Solved] SOLVED:Inheritance- Payment.java, CashPayment.java ,CreditCardPayment.java