:1. (Requires Ch 1 3) Write a program called C2F.py that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit. The program should ask the user for the temperature in Celsius and then display the temperature in Fahrenheit.1. The formula to covert Celsius to Fahrenheit is F=95C+322. Display inputted values to 2 decimal points.1. Even though you only display the value to 2 decimal points use the full number entered for the calculations3. Display your answer to 2 decimal points.
Please enter the temperature in Celsius: 33.533.50 Celsius is 92.30 Fahrenheit.
Please enter the temperature in Celsius: 100100.00 Celsius is 212.00 Fahrenheit.2. (Requires Ch 1 3) Write a program called M2K.py that converts miles to kilometers. The program should ask the user for the distance in miles and then displays the distance in meters.1. There are 1.60934 kilometers in a mile.2. Display inputted values to 2 decimal points.1. Even though you only display the value to 2 decimal points use the full number entered for the calculations3. Display your answer to 2 decimal points.
Please enter the distance in miles: 5.67895.68 miles is 9.14 kilometers
Please enter the distance in miles: 1010.00 miles is 16.09 kilometers
3. (Requires Ch 1 3) You are working at a bank and customers come in wanting to make a withdrawal from their accounts. They dont want to have super fat wallets (as those are uncomfortable to sit on) and so always ask that the money they withdraw always be given in the fewest number of bills possible. Write a program called change.py that asks the user how much money they wish to withdraw and then outputs the bills they received. Customers only make withdrawal requests for whole dollar amounts (ie they never ask for cents) The bill amounts you have are 100s, 50s, 20s, 10s, 5s, and 1s
Please enter the amount of money you wish to withdraw: 1737You received:17 hundreds.0 fifties.1 twenties.1 tens.1 fives.2 ones.
Please enter the amount of money you wish to withdraw: 168You received:1 hundreds.1 fifties.0 twenties.1 tens.1 fives.3 ones.4. (Requires Ch 7.3)Write a program that called capital.py that asks the user for a string and then displays the string again but with all consonants in lowercase and all vowels in uppercase.
Please enter a string: I am 12 YEARS OLD!!!I Am 12 yEArs Old!!!
Please enter a string: Today, is a good day to die.tOdAy, Is A gOOd dAy tO dIE.ECS 10 Homework 1 Fall 20145. (Requires Ch 7.3) HTML is a programming language used to create web-pages while LaTexX is a programming language used to generate documents. Both of these languages have special designations for some common characters as can be seen in the following table Character HTML LaTeX Description Left quote Right quote Apostrophe& & & Ampersand< < < Less thanGreater than{ { { Left curly bracket} } } Right curly bracket% % % Percent signWrtie a program called html2latex.py that converts an HTML string into a LaTeX string. The program should ask the user for an HTML string and then display the LaTex equivalent.
Please enter a HTML string: She told me that,hes a total hottie.She told me that, hes a total hottie.
Please enter a HTML string: Did you know that 7 < 9 &9 8?Did you know that 7 < 9 & 9 8?
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