[Solved] SOLVED:Homework 6: Server-side Scripting


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1. Objectives Get experience with the PHP programming language Get experience with Google Geocode and the Forecast.io APIs Get experience using an XML and a JSON parser in PHP.2. DescriptionIn this exercise, you are asked to create a webpage that allows you to search for weather information using the Google Geocode and Forecast.io APIs, and the results will be displayed in tabular format.2.1. Description of the Search FormA user first opens a page, called forecast.php (or any valid web page name), where he/she can enter an address (street, city, and state) and select the temperature unit (Fahrenheit, Celsius). An example is shown in Figure 1. The State field includes a list of all US states, which are provided in section 3.4. Also, The form should include a forecast.io disclaimer, linking to http://forecast.io/.Figure 1: Initial Search ScreenThe search form has two buttons: Search button: This button validates whether the user provided values for street address, city and state. The validation should be implemented in a JavaScript function. If the user did not enter one of the data items, then an alert should be shown with an appropriate message prompting the user to provide complete2information. An example of the alert is shown in Figure 2, and an example of valid input is shown in Figure 3. Once the user has provided valid data, your script should send a request to your web server for forecast.php (or whatever your valid web page name is) with the form data. You can use either GET or POST to transfer the form data to the web server. A PHP script will grab the data and send it to the Google GeoCode and Forecast.io web services in sequence. Clear button: This button must clear the result area, all text fields, unselect the State value and reset the Degree field to its default value of Fahrenheit. The Clear operation is done using a JavaScript function.Figure 2: An Message Error When Proving Incomplete Address (e.g., the values of city and state fields are missing)Figure 3: An Example of Valid Input32.2. Displaying ResultsIn this section, we explain how to use the form data to construct web services calls to Google GeoCode and Forecast.io APIs and display the result in your page.The PHP script (forecast.php or whatever your valid page name) will use the address information (street, city, and state) to construct a web service URL to query the Google Geocode API appropriately:https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/xml?address=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,Mountain+View,CA&key=YOUR_API_KEYHow to create a Google API key is explain in section 3.2. The response of this URL is an XML-formatted object. One key piece of data returned is the latitude and longitude values for the given address. Figure 4 shows an example of the XML returned in the Google GeoCode web service response. You will see in the next step that you must use the extracted latitude and longitude to look up the weather for a given location.Figure 4: A Sample Result of Google GeoCode Query4Next, using the latitude and longitude values, another web service URL needs to be constructed to query the Forecast.io API to get the weather information for the given location such as:https://api.forecast.io/forecast/YOUR_APIKEY/LATITUDE,LONGITUDE?units=units_value&exclude=flagsWhen constructing the Forecast.io web service API call, you should provide five parameters: The first parameter is your Forecast.io API key (a.k.a. the Dark Sky API key). How to create this key is explained in section 3.1. The second and the third parameter are the latitude and longitude values which are extracted from the XML-formatted data returned by the Google Geocode API. The name of fourth parameter is units. The value of this parameter is either us or si. If the temperature is in degree Celsius, units=si and if the temperature is in degree Fahrenheit, units=us. The name of the fifth parameter is exclude. The value of this parameter is flags.The response from a query of the Forecast.io web service is a JSON-formatted object. An example of a returned JSON-formatted object from the Forecast.io API is available at:http://cs-server.usc.edu:45678/hw/hw6/sample_json_output.jsonFigure 6 shows part of this file. You need to parse the returned JSON-formatted object and extract some fields. After extracting the data, the PHP script should display the data in a tabular format below the search form. A sample output is shown in Figure 7.5Figure 6: Part of Sample JSON-formatted object returned from Forecast.io API callFigure 7: Search Result6You need to map the data extracted from the result of the Forecast.io API call to your table output using the following table:Table ColumnData from result of Forecast.io API callTable HeaderThe weather condition is the value of summary in the currently object. The weather temperature is the value of temperature in the currently object. The temperature should be printed in integer format. Then, display an icon describing the weather condition. The displayed icon depends the value of icon in the currently object. icon value = clear-day display clear.png icon value = clear-night display clear_night.png icon value = rain display rain.png icon value = snow display snow.png icon value = sleet display sleet.png icon value = wind display wind.png icon value = fog display fog.png icon value = cloudy display cloudy.png icon value = partly-cloudy-day 7display cloud_day.png icon value = partly-cloudy-night display cloud_night.pngThe images are available at http://cs-server.usc.edu:45678/hw/hw6/images.The Weather Icon must be displayed, and the alt text and title must be the text of the weather condition.PrecipitationThe value of precipIntensity in the currently object. It is possibly one of the following values {0, 0.002, 0.0017, 0.1, 0.4}. precipIntensity value = 0 display None precipIntensity value = 0.002 display Very Light precipIntensity value = 0.017 display Light precipIntensity value = 0.1 display Moderate precipIntensity value = 0.4 display HeavyChance of RainThe value of precipProbability in the currently object. You should multiply the value by 100 and display the percentage % character.Wind SpeedThe value of windSpeed in the currently8object. The value should be displayed in integer format. The unit is mph.Dew PointThe value of dewPoint in the currently object. The value should be displayed in integer format.HumidityThe value of humidity in the currently object. You should multiply the value by 100 and display the percentage % character.VisibilityThe value of visibility in the currently object. The value should be displayed in integer format. The unit is mi.SunriseThe value of sunriseTime is the first object of data array in the daily object. The value is a Unix timestamp so it needs to be converted to the two-digits-hour:two-digits-minute AM/PM format. The hour should be in 12-hour format. Example is 01:15 PM.SunsetThe value of sunsetTime is the first object of data array in the daily object. The value is a Unix timestamp so it needs to be converted to the two-digits-hour:two-digits-minute AM/PM format. The hour should be in 12-hour format. Example is 01:15 PM.In summary, the search mechanism to be be implemented behaves as follows: Based on the input data in the search form, construct a web service URL to retrieve the XML-formatted output from the Google GeoCode API. Parse the returned XML and extract the latitude and longitude values. Call the Forecast.io API (latitude and longitude are parameters in the web service URL) and retrieve the JSON-formatted output. Parse the returned JSON-formatted output and extract the weather information. Display the weather information in tabular format.92.3. Saving Previous InputsIn addition to displaying the results, your page should maintain the provided values to display the current result. For example, if one searches for Street: 3025 Royal St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, one should see what was provided in the search form and the corresponding results. It follows that you need to keep the whole search box/input fields and buttons even while displaying results/errors.3. Hints3.1. How to get Forecast.io API KeyGo to https://developer.forecast.io/. Click on Register. You should fill out the form as shown in Figure 9. The API Key (Dark Sky API key) is displayed as shown in Figure 10. Copy this key as you will use it in the Forecast.io web service API call.Figure 9: Forecast.io Registration FormFigure 10: Forecast.io Application Key103.2 How to get Google API KeyTo get a Google API key, please follow these steps Go to the Google Developers Console (https://console.developers.google.com/flows/enableapi?apiid=geocoding_backend&keyType=SERVER_SIDE&reusekey=true). Create or select a project. Click Continue to Enable the API. Go to Credentials to get a Server key (and set the API Credentials).3.3. Parsing XML files in PHPYou are free to choose any XML parsing library, but we recommend the SimpleXML library. The SimpleXML library provides a simple way of getting an XML elements name, attributes, and text. As of PHP 5, the SimpleXML library functions are part of the PHP core. No installation is required to use these functions. The following two tables show a set of functions which you may use. For more detailed information, please read: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_xml_simplexml.asp http://php.net/manual/en/book.simplexml.php http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ref_simplexml.aspPHP 5 SimpleXML Functions Function Description __construct() Creates a new SimpleXMLElement object addAttribute() Adds an attribute to the SimpleXML element addChild() Adds a child element the SimpleXML element asXML() Formats the SimpleXML objects data in XML (version 1.0) attributes() Returns attributes and values within an XML tag children() Finds the children of a specified node count() Counts the children of a specified node getDocNamespaces() Returns the namespaces DECLARED in document getName() Returns the name of the XML tag referenced by the11SimpleXML element getNamespaces() Returns the namespaces USED in document registerXPathNamespace() Creates a namespace context for the next XPath query saveXML() Alias of asXML() simplexml_import_dom() Returns a SimpleXMLElement object from a DOM node simplexml_load_file() Converts an XML file into a SimpleXMLElement object simplexml_load_string() Converts an XML string into a SimpleXMLElement object xpath() Runs an XPath query on XML dataPHP 5 SimpleXML Iteration Functions Function Description current() Returns the current element getChildren() Returns the child elements of the current element hasChildren() Cheks whether the current element has children key() Return the current key next() Moves to the next element rewind() Rewind to the first element valid() Check whether the current element is valid3.4 Parsing JSON-formatted data in PHPIn PHP 5, you can parse JSON-formatted data using the json_decode function. For more information, please read http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-decode.php.To read the contents of a JSON-formatted object, you can use the file_get_contents function. Because in this homework the JSON-formatted object is retrieved using the HTTPS protocol, your Apache server should be configured with a PHP compiler enabled with Curl and OpenSSL as described in HW#5.123.4. List of US States and Their Two-Letter AbbreviationsTwo-Letter AbbreviationStateALAlabamaAKAlaskaAZArizonaARArkansasCACaliforniaCOColoradoCTConnecticutDEDelawareDCDistrict Of ColumbiaFLFloridaGAGeorgiaHIHawaiiIDIdahoILIllinoisINIndianaIAIowaKSKansasKYKentuckyLALouisianaMEMaine13MDMarylandMAMassachusettsMIMichiganMNMinnesotaMSMississippiMOMissouriMTMontanaNENebraskaNVNevadaNHNew HampshireNJNew JerseyNMNew MexicoNYNew YorkNCNorth CarolinaNDNorth DakotaOHOhioOKOklahomaOROregonPAPennsylvaniaRIRhode IslandSCSouth CarolinaSDSouth Dakota14TNTennesseeTXTexasUTUtahVTVermontVAVirginiaWAWashingtonWVWest VirginiaWIWisconsinWYWyoming4. Files to SubmitIn your course homework page, you should update the HW6 link to refer to your new initial web page fro this exercise. Also, Submit your files (likely only a single .php file) electronically to the csci571 account so that they can be graded and compared to all other students code via the MOSS code comparison tool.**IMPORTANT**:All discussions and explanations in Piazza related to this homework are part of the homework description. So please review all Piazza threads before finishing the assignment.


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[Solved] SOLVED:Homework 6: Server-side Scripting