[Solved] SOLVED:Homework 04 solution


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Create a program called peptides that will create a k-d tree from a peptide database (comma separated value formatted file) based on:

1. Mass2. Normalized Elution Time **(NET)**

Your program should compute the mass of a peptide based on the amino acidcharacters. You must create a hash table, including the hash function, to doso. **You may not use a map** or data structure from the standard templatelibrary.

The program should also read a file containing lists of 2-D points of mass and NET, called the *observed list*. Each item in this file will also have a number called the ID (for index).For each item in the observed list, perform a nearest neighbor search of the k-d tree, returning the closest peptide sequence and elution time. Your program should print **(in CSV format)** to standard output the list of all found peptides. Your distance function should be a Euclidean distance based on mass and NET.

Example data files are given on the Angel site.Your program will be run as following:

peptides peptideDatabase.csv observedList.csv

Failed inputs should say usage: peptides databaseFile observedListFile

**Example Output (only showing one hit)**

Observed ID, Peptide, NET, Mass, Observed NET, Observed Mass0, AGGVGGK, 0.1494728, 523.42, .1495, 523.426

## Notes:

Amino acid values can be found in the `aminoAcidList.csv` file, but they are also pasted here for viewing:


Characters Monoisotopic Value- A 71.03711R 156.10111N 114.04293D 115.02694C 103.00919E 129.04259Q 128.05858G 57.02146H 137.05891I 113.08406L 113.08406K 128.09496M 131.04049F 147.06841P 97.05276S 87.03203T 101.04768W 186.07931Y 163.06333V 99.06841


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[Solved] SOLVED:Homework 04 solution