[Solved] SOLVED:Day of the Year


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2. Day of the Year

Assuming that a year has 365 days, write a class named DayOfYear that takes an integer

representing a day of the year and translates it to a string consisting of the month followed

by day of the month. For example,

Day 2 would be January 2

Day 32 would be February 1

Day 365 would be December 31.

The constructor for the class should take as parameter an integer representing the day of

the year, and the class should have a member function print() that prints the day in the

month-day format. The class should have an integer member variable to represent the day

and should have static member variables of type string to assist in the translation from

the integer format to the monthday format.

Test your class by inputting various integers representing days and printing out their

representation in the monthday format.3. Day of the Year Modication

Modify the DayOfYear class, written in an earlier Programming Challenge, to add a

constructor that takes two parameters: a string representing a month and an integer in the

range 0 through 31 representing the day of the month. The constructor should then initialize

the integer member of the class to represent the day specied by the month and day of month

parameters. The constructor should terminate the program with an appropriate error

message if the number entered for a day is outside the range of days for the month given.

Add the following overloaded operators:

++ prex and postx increment operators. These operators should modify the DayOfYear

object so that it represents the next day. If the day is already the end of the year, the

new value of the object will represent the rst day of the year.

prex and postx decrement operators. These operators should modify the DayOfYear

object so that it represents the previous day. If the day is already the rst day of the

year, the new value of the object will represent the last day of the year.


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[Solved] SOLVED:Day of the Year