ScopeThe tasks of this assignment include implementation and testing of relational views, implementation and testing of advanced data manipulation statements of SQL, granting access rights to database objects, design and implementation of hierarchical data structures in XML.
This assignment consists of 5 tasks.
It is very important that you do what is written in Prologue section for Task 1 Task 4, and follow all recommendations written at the beginning of each task.The deliverables from each task are listed at the section Deliverables before thesubmission section.A submission procedure is described at the end of assignment specifications.Prologue Download and unzip a file You should obtain the following files: a3create.sql and a3drop.sql.Connect to your account on one of the Oracle servers (data-pc01 .. data-pc40) and execute a script a3create.sql. The script creates the relational tables of a sample databaseused in Assignment 3. Read the script and discover and draw a conceptual schema of the sample database.You can use a script a3drop.sql to drop all relational tables created by dbcreate.sql. Do not drop the relational tables now.
TasksTask 1 Implementation and testing of relational views (1.2 marks)
It is recommended to do Experiment 6.3 included in Homework 6 before implementation of task 1.Implement SQL script task1.sql that creates and tests the following relational views. The names of views are up to you.Testing of the views must be performed by insertion into the relational tables the rows such, that selection of information from each view returns non empty results. It means that your script must include CREATE VIEW statements, INSERT statements, and SELECT * FROM statements.Implementation of the views without testing that returns non empty contents of each view will score no marks!(1) The first view must contain information about all academics who taught at least one subject worth 12 credit points and such that total enrolment in a subject was higher than 50 students. Include into a view the first and last name of academic, code and name of a subject.(2) The second view must contain information about the total number of lecturers who taught each one of the subjects CSCI235, CSCI212, and CSCI222 in the past, i.e. before 2016.For each subject a view must contain subject code, subject name, and the total number of lecturers who taught a subject in the past.(3) The third view must contain information about the academics who do not teach any subjects in autumn session of the current year. Note that the view must contain correct information no matter in which year it is accessed. Include information about staff umber, first name, and last name of academics.(4) The fourth a view must that contain information about academics that have taught the subjects CSCI235 and CSCI204 and CSCI222 in the past or are teaching the subjects now. Include only information about staff number, first and last names of academics who taught each one of the subjects listed above.Task 2 Implementation of advanced data manipulations in SQL (1.2 marks)It is recommended to do Experiment 6.3 included in Homework 6 before implementation of task 2.Implement SQL script task2.sql that performs and tests the following modification of the sample database.(1) Delete information about all lecturers who taught no subjects in the last 3 years.(2) Create a relational table CSCI235 that consists of the same columns as a relational table ACADEMIC. Copy the data from the table ACADEMIC into the relational table CSCI235 of the information about all academics who have taught a subject CSCI235 at least once. Note that you must enforce appropriate primary and foreign key constraints on a relational table CSCI235 before copying data from a relational table Academics.(3) Add a column total_subjects to a relational table ACADEMIC and use oneUPDATE statement to fill the column with information about the total number ofsubjects taught by each academic so far. Remember, that some academics are very busy with their research and they do not teach any subjects.Testing of the modifications must be performed by insertion into the relational tables the rows that will be affected by data manipulation statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). You are allowed to use INSERT statements already implemented for task 1.Implementation of the modification without testing that affects at least one row inthe relational tables will score no marks!Task 3 Granting access rights to database objects (0.6 marks)It is recommended to do Experiment 6.4 included in Homework 6 before implementation of task 3.Implement SQL script task3.sql that grants the following access rights to a user SCOTT.(1) A user SCOTT should be able to access a relational table Teaches both in read and write mode.(2) A user SCOTT should be able to create any relational table that has a foreign key referencing a primary key in a relational table RunningSubject.(3) A user SCOTT should be able to read information about the academics who taught at least one of the subjects CSCI235, CSCI204, and CSCI124.Task 4 Design and implementation stored PL/SQL procedure and function (2 marks)It is recommended to do Experiment 7.3 included in Homework 7 before implementation of task 4.Implement SQL script task4.sql that define and execute PL/SQL stored procedure and function for the following questions.(1) Define a stored procedure WHOTAUGHT that takes a parameter of a subject code and display subject title, lecturers names who have taught the subject before 2016.Execute the procedure WHOTAUGHT by prompt input a subject code and display the results.(2) Define a stored function FINDSUBJECTS that takes an academic number andreturns the academics full name and a list of all subjects code that the academic taught.Execute the function FINDSUBJECTS to find subject lists of all academics like thefollowing:ACADEMIC SUBJECTSBill Gates CSCI124 CSCI321Steven Jobs CSCI124 CSCI204Implementation of the PL/SQL scripts without execution of the procedure andfunction will score no marks!
Task 5 XML
(1) Design and implementation of hierarchical data structures in XML. (2 marks)You must do Experiment 9.1 included in Homework 9 before implementation of task 5.Read the following specification of a sample database domain.The multinational companies consist of the national divisions like for example Oracle Australia, SAP New Zealand, Microsoft Vanuatu, etc. A national division is described by a name of country it is located in, and an address of itsheadquarters.An address of headquarters consists of city, street and building number and it optionally includes phone and fax number.Each company has a number of branches located in different cities. There is at most one branch of a given company in a city. A branch is described by an address and a full name (first name, optional initials, last name) of its director.Each branch consists of a number of departments. A department is described by its name, a full name of its manager (first name, optional initials, last name) andbudget allocated in the current year. A department is located in one building over several floors.Employees work at departments. An employee is described by a full name (first name, optional initials, last name) and position he/she is assigned to. An employee works for only one department.Design a conceptual schema for a sample database domain given above. Use a notation of simplified UML class diagrams explained to you in this subject. Save your diagram in a file task5.pdf.Create at least two sample instances of objects for each class included in your conceptual schema and implement all these instances in one XML document. Save your document in a file task5.xml. Start Command Prompt on XP system and use a program oraxml available on XP system to make sure that your document is well formed. A program oraxml is not available on Unix system!(2) Creation of DTD and validation of XML documents against DTD. (1 mark)You must do Experiment 9.2 and Experiment 9.3 included in Homework 9 and you must implement task 5.(1) of this assignment before implementation of task 5.(2). Implement an external DTD that validates XML documents contents of the database designed in task 5.(1). Save your DTD in a file task5.dtd. Use a program oraxml to make sure that document in a file task5.xml validates against DTD in a file task5.dtd.
DeliverablesTask 1Submit a file task1.lst which contains the execution results of the script file task1.sql.Remember to put SQL*Plus command SET ECHO ON in the front of the script file.Task 2Submit a file task2.lst which contains the execution results of the script file task2.sql.Remember to put SQL*Plus command SET ECHO ON in the front of the script file.Task 3Submit a file task3.lst which contains the execution results of the script file task3.sql.Remember to put SQL*Plus command SET ECHO ON in the front of the script file.Task 4Submit a file task4.lst which contains the execution results of the script file task4.sql.Remember to put SQL*Plus command SET ECHO ON and SETSERVEROUTPUT ON in the front of the script file.Task 5A file task5.pdf with a conceptual schema of the sample database, a file task5.xml withwell formed XML document that contains sample contents of the database. A filetask5.dtd that can be used to comprehensively test DTD for a well formed XML filetask5.xml.Submission procedureZip the files task1.lst, task2.lst, task3.lst, task4.lst, task5.pdf, task5.xml and task5.dtd intoa file Connect to Moodle.(2) Navigate to a folder ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSIONS(3) Click at Assignment 3, Submit your solution here link.(4) Click at Add Attachments button.(5) Navigate to a location where a file has been saved.(6) Select the file and click at Open button.(7) Click at Submit button.(8) Click at OK button to return to Home Page.A policy regarding late submissions is included in the course outline.The assignment must be submitted as soft copy only.The assignment is an individual assignment and it is expected that all its tasks will be solved individually without any cooperation with the other students.
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