[Solved] SOLVED:Computer Science 222, Laboratory 6 – Graphics

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Learning objectives:Use Python methods for reading text files with numeric data.Use the author-supplied graphics package.Getting started: Download the programs graphics.py and graphics22.py. (We have found that on some machines graphics works better, and on other machines graphics22 works better. We aren’t sure why this is so.) Try both graphics packages and use the one that works better. For each of the following, demonstrate your code to the instructor. Part I. Files with Numeric Data. 1. Hourly Raise. Each line of the file hourlyWages.txt contains information about employees for some company in the form: firstName lastName hourlyWage numberOfHoursWorked Each employee is getting a raise of $1.65 per hour. Write a program hourlyWages.py that reads in each line of the file and calculates each employee’s new pay for the week. The program should then output each employee’s first and last name and pay for that week to the file newHourlyWages.txt. Format the pay to two places after the decimal. Part II. Graphics. 2. Playing with Graphics. Download the program Discussion3.py that is on pp. 159-60 of the text. Do programming Exercise 1 on p. 160. Make sure that the center of the square is at the point where the user clicks. Call your program squares.py. 3. Drawing a target. Do Programming Exercise 2 on p. 160. Call your program target.py. 4. Building a rectangle from its corners. Do Programming Exercise 9 on p. 161. Display the numerical output in the graphics window – don’t use print. Call your program rectangle.py. 5. Drawing a circle from its center and radius. Write a program called circle.py to draw a circle. Make the window size 400 by 400. The first mouse click determines the center of the circle. The second mouse click determines a point on its circumference. Use the Euclidean distance formula to determine the length of the radius: Ask the user to click to end the program, and be sure to close the window at the end. Upload the files to both student accounts (don’t forget to submit): hourlyWages.py _____ squares.py ______ target.py ______ rectangle.py ______ circle.py ______ Delete any files that you have put on the desktop. Empty the trash. Log off the computer.


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[Solved] SOLVED:Computer Science 222, Laboratory 6 – Graphics
30 $