[Solved] SOLVED:Computer Project 6 SOLUTION

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Assignment Deliverable The deliverable for this assignment is the following file: proj06.py – the source code for your Python program Be sure to use the specified file name and to submit it for grading via the handin system before the project deadline. Assignment Background Numbers can be interesting and since ancient times mathematicians have looked for interesting patterns. An integer n is transposable, if multiples of n form cyclic permutations of the digits of n. For example: 128205 × 4 = 512820 142857 × 2 = 285714 153846 × 3 = 461538 190476 × 4 = 761904 The colors are simply to show the start of the cycle. For example, notice in the first row that the number 128205 has been rotated once to the right so that in the product the digit 5 has moved from being the last (rightmost) digit to the first (leftmost) digit. In the second row the number 142857 has been rotated twice in the product. You are going to write a program that finds these special transposable numbers. Assignment Specifications For this particular exercise we will be making the following assumptions: 1. The number can have a single leading zero. (The sample output has some examples of such numbers.) 2. We will check if the number is transposable by multiplying the number by integer values from 2 to 9. If any of the multiples is a cyclic permutation of the number, then we will consider the number transposable and print it. You will be provided with a text file that contains the start and end values. You need to check if the number is transposable for all values from start to end. The file will have one header line followed by a line with two integers separated by spaces. (Hint: you can use find and slicing to extract the two values.) The program will contain the following functions: rotate( string ) à string is_transpose( string1, string2 ) à Boolean get_transposability( number ) à None get_transposability_zero( number ) à None open_file()à file object process_file( ) à None The notation above gives the name of each function, the number and type of its argument(s), and the type of its return value. v rotate( string ) à string • returns a new string that is created by rotating the input (string) by one character to the right. String slicing is your friend here. • e.g.: 12345 à 51234 v is_transpose( string1, string2 ) à Boolean • takes in two strings as parameters • continually rotates string s1 (as many times as is useful) • returns True if s1 is ever equal to s2, and returns False otherwise • you should use your rotate function v get_transposability( number ) à None • checks if number is transposable by multiplying it by 2..9 and calling your is_transpose • remember to convert the numbers to a strings because is_transpose expects strings • if number is transposable, then print the number, the multiplier, and the multiple; see the sample output for formatting. v get_transposability_zero( number ) à None • prepends a leading zero and checks if the resulting number is transposable • this process will be similar to that used in get_transposability • if number is transposable, then print the number, the multiplier, and the multiple, nicely formatted as shown in the sample output. v open_file( ) à file object • prompt the user for the name of the input file • If unable to open that file, prompts again. v process_file( ) à None • calls open_file • extracts start and end values from file • calls get_transposability and get_transposability_zero for all values from start to end v The main part of your program will simply call process_file. Assignment Notes 1. Items 1-9 of the Coding Standard will be enforced for this project. 2. The function names must be spelled exactly as shown. 3. Your program will be slower than previous programs so expect results to come slowly! Suggested Procedure • Solve the problem using pencil and paper first. You cannot write a program until you have figured out how to solve the problem. This first step may be done collaboratively with another student. However, once the discussion turns to Python specifics and the subsequent writing of Python statements, you must work on your own. • Divide-and-conquer: construct and test each function one at a time. A good ordering is the order they are described. For example, you can write the rotate function and test it completely in the IPython shell before moving on to the next function. Get help from your TA if you do not know how to do that. • Cycle through the steps to incrementally develop your program: o Write and test one function at a time. o Test the program and fix any errors. o Hint: use the handin system to submit the current version of your solution. • Be sure to log out when you leave the room, if you’re working in a public lab. Sample Output Input file name: range.txt Transposed numbers from 20000 to 500000 021978 * 9 = 197802 025641 * 4 = 102564 032967 * 9 = 296703 043956 * 9 = 395604 047619 * 4 = 190476 051282 * 4 = 205128 054945 * 9 = 494505 065934 * 9 = 593406 076923 * 3 = 230769 076923 * 4 = 307692 076923 * 9 = 692307 087912 * 9 = 791208 095238 * 4 = 380952 098901 * 9 = 890109 102564 * 4 = 410256 109890 * 9 = 989010 128205 * 4 = 512820 142857 * 2 = 285714 142857 * 3 = 428571 142857 * 4 = 571428 142857 * 5 = 714285 142857 * 6 = 857142 153846 * 3 = 461538 153846 * 4 = 615384 179487 * 4 = 717948 190476 * 4 = 761904 205128 * 4 = 820512 230769 * 3 = 692307 230769 * 4 = 923076 238095 * 4 = 952380 285714 * 2 = 571428 285714 * 3 = 857142 307692 * 3 = 923076 428571 * 2 = 857142


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[Solved] SOLVED:Computer Project 6 SOLUTION
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