[Solved] SOLVED:A Game of Craps

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Learning ObjectivesAfter completing this project you should be able to: · create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) · write methods to meet specific requirements · write conditional statements with Boolean expressions Game rules A game starts with 10 credits. A player’s turn includes one or more rolls of both dice until she either wins or loses. The player rolls two dice to start a turn. This is called the “come out” roll. The player wins 1 credit if the come out is 7 or 11. The player loses 1 credit if the come out is 2, 3 or 12. Otherwise, the “point” is set at the value of the come out. The player continues to roll until the “point” is rolled again (the player wins 1 credit) or a 7 is rolled (the player loses 1 credit). A new turn begins until the player runs out of credits or chooses to stop. Step 1: Create a New BlueJ Project Step 2: Class Definition: GVdie Rather than writing your own Die class, we are providing a completed class for you. Create a new class in BlueJ called GVdie and delete all of the provided code. Cut and paste the provided code from (GVdie.java) into the newly created class. It should compile with no errors. Step 3: Create a class called Craps (70 pts) · Provide appropriate names and data types for each of the instance variables. Maintain two GVdie objects, current point, credit balance, current message and a boolean value that is set to ‘true’ when it is legal to come out and set to ‘false’ when it is not. · public Craps ( ) – a constructor that initializes all of the instance variables to appropriate values. · public void comeOut ( ) – If it is time to come out, roll both dice. Otherwise, remind the player by setting the message instance variable that it is not time to “come out” but it is time to roll (do not print a message). If the total is 7 or 11, the player wins and an appropriate message is set. If the total is 2, 3 or 12, the player loses and an appropriate message is set. Otherwise, the dice total is set to the “point”. The player must have at least one credit to play. Update instance variables as needed. · public void roll ( ) – If a point has been set, roll both dice. Otherwise, remind the player to come out first by setting the message. If the total is 7, the player loses and an appropriate message is set (not printed). If the value of the rolled dice equals the “point”, the player wins and an appropriate message is set (not printed). Update instance variables as needed. · public int getCredits ( ) – return the current credit balance. · public boolean okToRoll ( ) – return true if it is time to roll, return false if it is time to come out. · public void setCredits (int) – set the credit balance to the provided value. The value must be positive or else the credit remains unchanged. · public GVdie getDie (int num) – return the requested die. Legal values for “num” are 1 or 2. Note, this method is only used for the GUI. · public String getMessage ( ) – return the internal message. The message takes on different meanings depending on what is happening in the game Step 4: Software Testing Software developers must plan from the beginning that their solution is correct. BlueJ allows you to instantiate objects and invoke individual methods. You can carefully check each method and compare actual results with expected results. However, this gets tedious. Another approach is to write a main method that calls all the other methods. See Listings 4.1 and 4.3. Main Method (5 pts) Write a main method in the Craps class to automatically play one game. You can then invoke the method repeatedly to test all conditions. This will require a simple while loop (Section 5.4) 1. Instantiate a Craps object 2. Print the initial message 3. Come out 4. Print the current message 5. Continue as long as it is valid to Roll a. Roll b. Print the current message 6. Print the number of credits after the game is over Sample ResultsThe following sample shows the results of three games. Your messages can be more creative as long as they convey the necessary information. Welcome to Scott’s Game of Craps! Come out. You rolled 4 and your point is 8. Roll again. You rolled 9 and your point is 8. Roll again. You rolled 6 and your point is 8. Roll again. You rolled 8 and win! Come out. You rolled 7 and win! Come out. You rolled 12 and crapped out. Test Plan (5 pts) Games and other applications that generate random results are difficult to test. One useful strategy is to generate a checklist for you, or someone else, to confirm each possible result is correct. Create a test plan with a dozen or more test cases. Think of this test plan as a checklist of game possibilities. You should continue to play the game until all test cases have occurred and you have confirmed accurate results. Provide your plan along with the source code for this project. Here are TWO sample test cases to get you started but your test plan will likely have at least a dozen or more. The test plan will be graded based on how thorough it is. Test Cases ___ If initial roll is 7, did player win? Did credits increase by one? ___ If initial roll is 11, did player win? Did credits increase by one? Step 4: Create a GUI class (10 pts) Now that you have the basic game working within it’s own class it is time to create a more interesting graphical user interface for the player to use. Create a new class that extends JPanel (see Listing 5.13 for an example). · Define instance variables to hold two GVdie, a Craps object, a JLabel to display the game message, a JLabel to display the current point total, a JButton to come out and a JButton to roll. · public GUIpanel() – instantiate both JLabels and both JButtons. Instantiate the Craps object and display the initial message in the JLabel. Define but do not instantiate two GVdie. Instead, assign values to the two GVdie instance variables by invoking the Crap’s getDie( ) method twice. Your solution will look a bit different but here is an example: guiDie1 = myGame.getDie(1); guiDie2 = myGame.getDie(2); Inner Class for the Action Listener Create an inner class within the GUIpanel class that implements ActionListener (see the example in Listing 5.13). Depending on which of the two buttons are pressed, either invoke Crap object’s roll() or comeOut() method. In both cases, update the message. Main method Create a main method that instantiates a JFrame and displays a GUIpanel. See Listing 5.12 for an example. This method will only have five lines of code. Invoke this method to play the game. Challenge Requirements (10 pts)


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[Solved] SOLVED:A Game of Craps
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