[Solved] SOLVED:a Friend class that holds the first name, last name and hometown and the traditional methods

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Use Graph to maintain a network of FriendsCreate and use a generic classSocial networks are everywhere! They connect people with other people. There is an internet meme called “The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”, which describes how movie actors are connected, directly or indirectly, with Kevin Bacon. Surprisingly, very short chains exist between any pair of actors, even obscure ones. For more information, see The Oracle of Kevin Bacon.You will be creating an application to maintain a network of friends. Follow the interfaces, the below specifications, and the JUnit test files.Data Element – Friend (Vertex)Create a Friend class that holds the first name, last name and hometown and the traditional methods (constructors, getters/setters, toString, etc.). It will implement the Comparable interface. This is the class header:public class Friend implements Comparable


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[Solved] SOLVED:a Friend class that holds the first name, last name and hometown and the traditional methods
30 $