[Solved] SOLVED: EECS 293 Software Craftsmanship Programming Assignment 1

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Programming Objective: Review of programming and data structures The objective of this assignment is to segment a text into tokens. You can assume that the text contains only printable characters. Each token is a string of length k or less. Additionally, blanks (along with newlines, carriage returns) and punctuation characters (“,.!?”) must be included in a token of unit length. For example, the text “I came, I saw, I left.” can be segmented by k=3 as `I` ` ` `cam` `e` `,` ` ` `I` ` ` `saw` `,` ` ` `I` ` ` `lef` `t` `.` . Additionally, the segmentation can be expressed numerically, where each index represents the place at which each segment occurs for the first time in the text. For example, “I came, I saw, I left.” becomes 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 2 6 5 2 1 2 7 8 9 with the legend: `I`:1, ` `: 2, `cam`: 3, `e`: 4, `,`: 5, `saw`: 6, `lef`: 7, `t`: 8, `.`: 9.Implement a class Segmentator with the following methods:  A constructor Segmentator(Integer segment_length, String filename) that creates a Segmentator associated to the given segment length k and filename. It throws no exception.  A List


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[Solved] SOLVED: EECS 293 Software Craftsmanship Programming Assignment 1
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