[Solved] SOLVED: Assignment7.java Game.java- Game Manager Program

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Your assignment is to write and submit two java files. One is a class definition named Game (Game.java), and another is the test driver program, Assignment7.java. 1) The Game is a class to keep the players in a team for a game, and it has the three instance variables: players, count, and name. Game – players : String[] – count : int – name : String + Game(int, String) + add(String) : void + remove(String) : void + print() : void – search(String) : int The count is the number of players, 2) players is an array object storing names of all players as Strings, and 3) name is a string object for game name. The class Game must include the constructors and methods in the table: (If your class does not contain any of the following methods, points will be deducted). The public and private access modifiers are represented as “+” and “-” respectively. 1. Game(int, String): (2 pts) The constructor is to a. Create an instance of a String-type array with the length of input parameter. Each element in the array is initialized as “” (i.e. an empty String). b. The count is set as 0. It is not the length of array but the number of valid players. In other words, the players is a partially filled array, and the count is used as an END position of valid players. c. Set the name with the second input parameter. 2. add(String):void (2 pts) If there is room (left in) the array, add the parameter value to the END(count) position of the array and adjust the count to reflect how many values are in the array. If the value was added, DO NOT print any output. If the array is full, print the error message as shown below. This is the output if the value 3 was to be added and there is no room. Array is full. The player Joey cannot be added. 3. print(): void (2 pts) Print the name of game and the valid game players in the array as shown below. Not that it prints at most 5 players per line and that the player names are separated by three spaces. If the players {Mike, Smith, John, Tony, Nick, Sam} are in the array, then the output is Chinese Checkers Mike Smith John Tony Nick Sam 4. search(String):int (2 pts) This method should perform a linear or sequential search. The method is to look at the elements in the array until the value of the parameter is found or all values have been examined. If a value occurs in the array more than once, the method should return the first position where the value was found. If the value is not in the array, then the method should return a negative 1 (-1). There is NO output from this method. 5. remove(String):void (2 pts) Search for the player in the array using the search method. If the player is currently in the array, delete the player from the array by moving the other players “up” and adjust the count to reflect how many players are in the array. If the player was successfully removed, do not print any output. Only if the player is not found, then print the error message as shown below. It is an example case when the player James was to be deleted from the array {Mike, Smith, John, Tony, Nick, Sam}. The player James was not found and cannot be deleted. 2) Write the test driver called Assignment7.java. (5 pts) Assignment7.java contains the main method to create a Game instance object and test the methods in the class. The program will ask a user to enter one of the commands. Based on the user’s choice, the program needs to perform corresponding operation. This will be done by calling (invoking) one of the methods you defined in the Game class. It will terminate when the user enters ‘q’. The tester program provided in the last assignments may help. In addition to the main method, the Assignment7 class has a static method, printMenu(), to print out the following commands. Command Options ———————————– n: Create a new game a: Add a player r: Remove a player p: Print the information ?: Display the menu again q: Quit this program Here is the description for each option: n: ask and read the size of array and the name of game a: ask and add a player to the array r: ask and remove a player in the array p: print the information of array. ?: displays the menu q: quits the program Output Example Program Output (Input in bold) ****** Game Manager Program ******” Command Options ———————————– n: Create a new game a: Add a player r: Remove a player p: Print the information ?: Display the menu again q: Quit this program Please enter a command or type ?: n n [Create a new Game team] [Input the number of players]: 6 [Input the name of Game]: Chinese Checkers Please enter a command or type ?: a a [Add a player]: Mike Please enter a command or type ?: a a [Add a player]: Smith Please enter a command or type ?: a a [Add a player]: John Please enter a command or type ?: a a [Add a player]: Tony Please enter a command or type ?: a a [Add a player]: Nick Please enter a command or type ?: a a [Add a player]: Sam Please enter a command or type ?: a a [Add a player]: Joey Array is full. The player Joey cannot be added. Please enter a command or type ?: P p [Print the information]: Chinese Checkers Mike Smith John Tony Nick Sam Please enter a command or type ?: d [Invalid input] Please enter a command or type ?: r r [Remove a player]: Tony Please enter a command or type ?: r r [Remove a player]: James The player James was not found and cannot be deleted. Please enter a command or type ?: r r [Remove a player]: Sam Please enter a command or type ?: p p [Print the information]: Chinese Checkers Mike Smith John Nick Please enter a command or type ?: ? Command Options ———————————– n: Create a new game a: Add a player r: Remove a player p: Print the information ?: Display the menu again q: Quit this program Please enter a command or type ?: q ****** End of Program ****** Use only the Java statements that have been covered in class to date. DO NOT use any other items out of the Chapter1-6 and 8. If in doubt, ask. If you use them, then you lose the points of task. Don’t copy any code developed by others. Don’t give your code to others. Don’t use any algorithm, which you cannot understand. Your assignment file is checked by the MOSS (by Stanford Univ.), which is a program to detect cheatings.


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[Solved] SOLVED: Assignment7.java Game.java- Game Manager Program
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