[Solved] SOLVED: Assignment 1

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AimsThis assignment aims to establish a basic familiarity with C++ classes. The assignment introduce increasingly object-based, C++ style of solution to a problem.General Requirements• You should observe the common principles of OO programming when you design your classes.• You should make proper documentation and implementation comments in yourcodes where they are necessary.• Logical structures and statements are properly used for specific purposes.

ObjectivesOn completion of these tasks you should be able to:• code and run C++ programs using the development environment.• make effective use of the on-line documentation system that supports thedevelopment environment.• code programs using C++ in a hybrid style (procedural code using instances ofsimple classes) and in a more object-based style.• manipulate string data.Task:In these tasks, you will implement C++ program to simulate simpler ATM transactions.There is no security problems need to be considered in this subject.

Define a class Account in a file Account.h which contains the data members: customer id, BSB number, account number, first name, last name, balance, and total amount cash already has been withdrawn for today.Define necessary constructors and member functions in the file Account.h. Implementconstructors and member functions in a file Account.cpp.Define a class ATM in a file ATM.h. It should contain data members: ATM id, totalcash of $50 notes, and total cash of $20 notes in the boxes.Define necessary constructors and member functions in the file ATM.h. Implement the constructors and functions in a file ATM.cpp.Customer accounts’ information can be loaded from a text file accounts.txt into adynamic array (Account type, not STL) that used for all ATM transactions.The sample text file accounts.txt can be downloaded from the site of this assignment.The data of the text file are as follows.

1234567,802134,11213465,Jack,Steven,2300.2……The first line is the total number of account records, then following each line stores one record of an account.Note: The value of “total amount cash already has been withdrawn for today” can be set as zero at beginning.ATMs’ information can be obtained from a text file ATM.txt. At the beginning of thefile, a number indicates the total number of ATMs that available. Each line of the file contains:ATM ID, amount of $50 notes, amount of $20 notesImplement C++ code in a file main.cpp to get accounts’ file and ATMs’ file from the command line arguments, create dynamic arrays to store accounts information and ATMs information, load data from the given files into the dynamic arrays of accounts and ATMs, implement C++ code in main.cpp to process transactions’ simulations described below../ass1 accounts.txt ATM.txtAccounts have been loadedATMs have been loadedThe program will display a menu to ask a user to choose. (Text in red indicates user’sinputs)1. Withdraw2. Find balance3. Add notes4. Quit3Please choose: 1When a customer want to withdraw cash from an ATM, the program randomly select one ATM (use pseudo random number generator to generate an ATM ID), ask the customer to input BSB number, account number, and amount of cash.BSB: 802134Account: 11213465Amount: 160The program will verify the account; check if the balance is bigger than the required cash; then the program will compute how many $50 notes and how many $20 notes should be given.Finally the program will modify the balance of the customer’s account; update the ATM cash boxes; write data of the transaction in a log file ATM.log; and displayYou have 2×$50 notes, 3×$20 notes. Your balance is $2140.2.Hint: Use greedy algorithm to compute number of different notes.The log file format for above transaction should be:ATM ID, system date, withdraw, BSB number, account number, amount of cash.For example:800001, 01/08/2012 13:23, withdraw, 802134, 11213465, 160.When an input amount cannot be withdrawn, e.g. $30, the program should prompt a message, such as “The amount of cash cannot be withdrawn”.When notes in a cash box are less than $2,000, e.g. ATM ID 800001 is short of $50 notes, the program should prompt message “Please add more notes for ATM $50 note box”.When “2. Find balance” has been chosen, the program will ask a user to input BSBnumber and account number, then display the balance of the account.BSB: 802134Account: 11213465Your balance is $2140.2When “3. Add notes” has been selected, the program will ask the user to inputATM ID: 800001Note type (1-$50, 2-$20): 1Amount: 20000The program will update the total cash of $50 notes for ATM ID 800001, and write datain the log file ATM.log. The format of the log record is as followingATM ID, system date and time, transaction description, amount, balance.For example:800001, 01/08/2012 18:00:00, Add $50 notes, 20000, 29000.When “4. Quit” is selected, the program should save accounts data into accounts.txt, and save ATM data into ATM.txt, then quit.Testing:Use g++ to compile the source files by g++ –o ass1 main.cpp Account.cpp ATM.cpp and run the program by./ass1 accounts.txt ATM.txtThe input testing files accounts.txt and ATM.txt can be downloaded from theassignment site.You can use bcheck to check if there is any memory leak bybcheck ./ass1 accounts.txt ATM.txtNote: Your program should work on different testing data. Do not define constant files’ names inside the source code. You should keep the program running until “4. Quit” isselected.SubmissionThis assignment is due by 11.59 pm (sharp) on Sunday, 27 March, 2016.Assignments are submitted electronically via the submit system.For this assignment you must submit the files Account.h, Account.cpp, ATM.h,ATM.cpp and main.cpp via the command:$ submit -u your_user_name -c CSCI204 -a 1 Account.h Account.cpp ATM.h ATM.cppmain.cppand input your password.Make sure that you use the correct file names. The Unix system is case sensitive. You must submit all files in one submit command line.Your program code must be in a good programming style, such as good names for variables, methods, classes, and keep indentation.Submission via e-mail is NOT acceptable.

After submit your assignment successfully, please check your email of confirmation. You would loss 50% ~ 100% of the marks if your program codes could not be compiled correctly.Late submissions do not have to be requested. Late submissions will be allowed for a few days after close of scheduled submission (up to 3 days). Late submissions attract a mark penalty; this penalty may be waived if an appropriate request for special consideration (for medical or similar problem) is made via the university SOLS system before the close of the late submission time. No work can be submitted after the late submission time.A policy regarding late submissions is included in the course outline.The assignment is an individual assignment and it is expected that all its tasks will be solved individually without any cooperation with the other students. If you have any doubts, questions, etc. please consult your lecturer or tutor during tutorial classes or office hours. Plagiarism will result in a FAIL grade being recorded for that assessment task.End of specification


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[Solved] SOLVED: Assignment 1
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