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[SOLVED] SG7003 Business Simulation with Professional Development Academic Year 2024/25 SQL


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SG7003 Business Simulation with Professional


Academic Year 2024/25


Learning outcomes in this assessment:


1. Explain the theory and practice of businesses

2. Describe a range of current problems and changes that organizations face in being successful

Thinking skills

3. Critically evaluate research and theory to support decision-making and explain progress

4. Analyse complex issues, make reasoned judgments with incomplete data, and communicate conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences

Subject-based practical skills

5. Students will discuss good practice for organization success

6. Undertake a critical audit of skills and capabilities for a professional career and identify areas required for improvement

Skills for life and work (general skills)

7. Developing and communicating critical evaluations of organization progress

8. Working effectively in teams

Individual assignment overview

The individual assignment – to be submitted as one report – is comprised of two parts: A and B. Part A is the simulation evaluation. This focuses on evaluating your company in the simulation. Part B is the professional development reflection. This focuses on evaluating your individual performance in working with other students in your team in the simulation. Each part is worth 50%.

Part A: Individual simulation evaluation (Business simulation)

Weighting – 50%

Word Count – 3000

You have been managing your company in the business simulation activity for at least eight quarters (two quarters weekly). You are now reviewing and presenting your future plans for the company based on your annual business plans and performance in the simulation. You are required to evaluate the success of your decisions and make recommendations for future company plans.


Word Count


1. Executive Summary

Remember this is an overview of: the most important decisions you made; the actual results you got; the most important decisions you have made about your future strategy



2.  Describe the simulation company Vision and Strategy over the simulation

e.g. vision, values, mission, HR

This section is to be based on your Team business plan. Please use your own words to describe your company’s Vision and Strategy (do not ‘copy and paste’ your group business plan)



3. What you did

Performance review: competition analysis (Market choice/share; competitors; internal capabilities). Also talk about the most important decisions you made and the targets you set quarterly over a selected period of time.



4. What the outcome was

Explain simulation performance results quarterly over a selected period of time taking into account: Position, KPIs, Financial performance

Performance review: Performance analysis: analyse performance (evaluate decisions taken in each area – Strategy/ Marketing / HR/ Logistics / Finance / Product development / Responses to World events etc linking to simulation results)

Marks will be awarded for how well you explain the connection between the decisions you made and the results you achieved (regardless of whether the outcome of your decisions were positive or negative in a business sense)




5. Future Company Strategy

Develop future company plans and recommendations including:

1. Define key decisions for a selected period of time  

2. Identify any changes to current strategy and how to achieve those changes

3. Set out recommendations – based on your review of company performance,

4. Explain areas for potential growth



5. Additional Criteria

Structure and writing (Grammar, argument, clarity, use of business theory to support arguments)






(the other 50% comes from Task B)

Further details:

Performance review:

· Assess the success of the strategy or strategies compared to industry conditions and competitors in the simulation

· Analyse company performance e.g. comparing actual performance with targets in your Business Plan, financial data analysis, decision analysis and justification of performance measures and strategy, application of business scorecard etc

Performance analysis further details:

· Explain why business plan achieved/ missed, why performance changed

· Explain differences from competitors/ industry (in simulation)

· Explain any changes made to business plan and company, why, any impact

Part B: Individual reflective report (Professional development)

Weighting – 50%

Word Count – 3000

Your annual Performance Development Review is approaching. You are keen to reflect on how working in this team compares to what you have learnt on your MBA course and your understanding of how companies perform. You are required to prepare a report that covers research into one or two events from your simulation team looking at group dynamics, how decisions were made, leadership analysis, and implications for your individual professional development.

This should cover:

· Report summary

· Introduction and Identified events 10%

· Application of theory and practice to identified events 15%

◦ Use theory to make sense of the two events – what happened, how, why

◦ Brief review of applied theories / concepts/ industry practices – how relevant and valid are they to your events

· Discussion and recommendations 10%

◦ Review and explain your individual professional development

◦ Recommendations to improve your practice and areas for you to research to improve your development

· Structure and writing (Grammar, argument, report summary) 5%

· Appendix (incl. individual reflection logs for each quarter selected for the purpose of the simulation evaluation) 10%

An example of an identified event (not to be used in your assessment):

· Your team is virtual and has had mixed performance throughout the simulation activity. It feels like it has been a very iterative process in getting people and building the team. Communication has been hard with individuals having different levels of access to technology (i.e. intermittent internet, using mobile phones instead of computers), and some members have engaged little with other team members. This has meant redistributing work and recognising what each member is likely to complete.

Submission procedure:  

Your individual report should be prepared as explained in the assessment and uploaded to the appropriate Turnitin link available on the module’s Moodle site.

A cover page, which will be provided on the module’s Moodle site, should be included as part of the submission.  

1.1 Structure and presentation

Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:

Font size 12, using a sans serif font such as Arial or similar

1.5 line spacing

The page orientation should be ‘portrait’ (large diagrams and tables can be in landscape orientation if that enables them to fit on fewer pages)

Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2 cm

Pages should be numbered

Your name should not appear on the script

Your student number should be included on every page.

1.2 Guidance on referencing

You have been asked to prepare a coursework comprised of two parts – Part A: Simulation Evaluation and Part B: Reflection.

As a student, you will be taught how to write correctly referenced essays using UEL’s standard Harvard referencing system from Cite Them Right. Cite Them Right is the standard Harvard referencing style. at UEL for all Schools apart from the School of Psychology which uses the APA system.

The electronic version of Cite Them Right: The Essential Referencing Guide (11th edition), can be accessed whilst on or off campus via UEL the link below and will teach you all you need to know about Harvard referencing, plagiarism and collusion.  The book can only be read online and no part of it can be printed nor downloaded.

Further information is available at: Cite Them Right


If you are accessing off campus:

· Click Login

· Select University of East London from the list of institutions

· Click Log In at University of East London

· Enter your UEL email address and password

1.3 Submission of assessments

· Notice is hereby given that all the coursework for this Module must be submitted to Turnitin.  If you fail to submit to Turnitin, in accordance with the guidance provided on the Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle), a mark of 0 will be awarded.


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[SOLVED] SG7003 Business Simulation with Professional Development Academic Year 2024/25 SQL