Section 5
“How does the geology of the Stackpole area influence the concentration of [INSERT ION ASSIGNED TO YOU]?“
Use this template as a reminder of what is required to complete this final section of the assessed coursework. Upload as part of the final assessment due 2pm 3rd December 2024.
ASSIGNMENT 5 of the coursework assessment is the production of 1 figure plus a short formal 1-page report:
(1) Figure
The SINGLE figure must include a graph of ALL collected Bosherston Lakes and the Stackpole area samples (including rain data) for the single ion allocated to you.
This figure and a caption will take a single page.
You will be marked on:
• Correct calculations and units (do not show calibration curves, but make sure you are using the appropriate one for each sample given the range of the data).
• How you demonstrate the data confidence on the graph and illustrate statistics to support your arguments.
• Good data presentation, including essential features for a graph (e.g. appropriate scaling for axes, axes labelled, error bars), legibility, and the inclusion of a Figure caption with suitable information.
• What use you make of your own specific water sample as an example to highlight, and/or specific outliers.
• Note that you may wish to include additional panels in the Figure as long as each panel helps communicate the data to the reader and supports the question you have been asked to address.
(2) 1-page report
The question you are asked to address is “How does the geology of the Stackpole area influence the concentration of [INSERT ION ASSIGNED TO YOU]?“
You will be marked on:
• Relevance of text to the question you have been asked to address and the clarity of ideas presented.
• Ability to provide the reader with all the information needed to understand and assess your dataset (e.g. brief scene setting introduction to field area, sampling dates, brief methodology).
• What use you make of your own specific water sample as an example to highlight
• What use you make of other specific outliers to support your arguments.
• Use of, and correct referencing of, the local reports and other resources provided to focus the assignment on factors specific to the locality rather than generalities.
• Formal and precise scientific writing style, including the data presentation in text (e.g. errors and statistical analysis of relationships).
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