Homework #3
100 points
Three Scheme files are provided for you: hw3.scm, sales.scm, and salesBig.scm. Complete the functions in hw3.scm. Use the function names exactly as they appear in the file. Read the comments in hw3.scm for a description of what these functions should do. Include a function definition for each function, even if you do not complete it. Your programs will be run on using the following command:
scheme48 -h 8000000 < hw3.scm
In a PDF file titled hw3.pdf, include the output produced by your completed hw3.scm file when loading (1) the file sales.scm and also (2) the file salesBig.scm. Currently, hw3.scm loads the file sales.scm. You will need to modify line 100 in the hw3.scm file
(load sales.scm)
to load a different input file. The submitted hw3.scm file should load sales.scm.
Submit all of your stuff (hw3.scm, sales.scm, salesBig.scm, hw3.pdf) in a zip file.
For each exercise, you will see the points in parenthesis. The first number is the number of points for
- (10/10) union
- (10/10) quadradic
- (10/10) reverseTail
- (5/20) compose
- (10/5) getOrder
- (10/5) getProfit
- (12/15) totalProfits
- (10/5) getProv
- (12/10) getProvinces
- (11/10) provincialSales
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