[Solved] Quantum Homework 5


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  1. Let V and S be vector spaces over C with bases BV and BS, respectively. Define


and recognize it as a vector space by coordinate-wise interpretation of the vector space axioms. That is,

(v1,s1) + (v2,s2) = (v1 + v2,s1 + s2) for v1,v2 V and s1,s2 S,
(v1,s1) = ( v1, s1) for v1 V,s1 S, and C a scalar.

If R : A V and T : A S are linear functions, then we can define a linear function (R T) : A V S by

for a A.

  • Let

and .

Show that C-span(C) = V S but that C is not always a basis for V S.

  • Prove that


is a basis for V S. What is the dimension of V S?

  • Let R : A V and T : A S be linear functions. Suppose that A, V, and S have ordered bases

, , BS = {s1,s2},

and that the matrix representations of R and T relative to these bases are

and ( .

Using the lexicographic order for the basis BVS (i.e. ordering by BV first, and then BS), find the matrix representation for (R T) (that is, find (R T)BABVS).

Problems continue on the next page.



  1. Let T : A B be a linear transformation between vector spaces with ordered bases


Suppose that T has matrix with respect to these bases


  • Show that the matrix for T can be written T = X aij |iihj|



(note that |1i BA is a 3-dimensional vector, while |1i BB is a 2-dimensional vector).

  • Show that for fixed |ii BA and |ji BB

for all hv| A. From this, prove that |jihi| defines a linear transformation from A B.

  • Suppose that

R = X bij |iihj|

|jiBA |iiBB

for bij C. Use the previous part to prove that R is a linear transformation from A B.

  1. Let V and S be vector spaces over C with bases BV and BS, respectively.
    • Prove that


is a basis of V S. What is the dimension of V S?

  • Let R : V A and T : S B be linear functions. Suppose that A, V, and S have ordered bases the same as in the previous question and that B has ordered basis and that the matrix representations of R and T relative to these bases are

and ( .

Using the lexicographic order for the basis BVS, find the matrix representation for (R T)

(that is, find (R T)BVSBAB). [Hint: Kronecker product.]


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[Solved] Quantum Homework 5