[Solved] Python Project 5-1-Debug the Guessing Game


File Name: Python_Project_5-1-Debug_the_Guessing_Game.zip
File Size: 395.64 KB

SKU: [Solved] Python Project 5-1-Debug the Guessing Game Category: Tag:
5/5 - (1 vote)

Open the program named p5-1_guesses_errors.py which is in the Module 5 area. Find and fix all of the errors that it contains. Be sure to fill in the list of errors you found in the comment area in that file. When youre done, the program should run as shown below


Guess the number!

Enter the upper limit for the range of numbers: 100

Im thinking of a number from 1 to 100.

Your guess: 50

Too low.

Your guess: 75

Too low.

Your guess: 87

Too low.

Your guess: 94

Too low.

Your guess: 97

Too high.

Your guess: 95

Too low.

Your guess: 96

You guessed it in 7 tries.

Play again? (y/n): y

Enter the upper limit for the range of numbers: 10

Im thinking of a number from 1 to 10.

Your guess: 5

Too low.

Your guess: 7

Too low.

Your guess: 9

Too low.

Your guess: 10

You guessed it in 4 tries.

Play again? (y/n): n



Save the corrected file with the filename guessing_game_XXX.py where XXX is either your initials or your last name.


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[Solved] Python Project 5-1-Debug the Guessing Game