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[SOLVED] Project 4: markdown editor using angular


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In this project, you will learn and use Angular, a popular front-end Web-development framework, to
develop a more advanced and dynamic version of markdown blog editor that uses the REST API you
implemented in Project 3 to help users write, update, and publish blogs on the server.
Development Environment
The development for Project 4 will be done using the same docker container that you created in
Project 3, which can be stared with the command:
$ docker start -i mean
Make sure that MongoDB, NodeJS, and Angular is configured correctly by running the following
$ mongo -version
$ node –version
$ ng –version
In writing the code for Project 4, you are likely to encounter bugs in your code and need to figure out
what went wrong. Chrome Developer Tools is a very popular tool among Web developers, which
allows them to investigate the current state of any web application using an interactive UI. We
strongly recommend it for Project 4 and make it part of your everyday tool set. There are many
excellent online tutorials on Chrome Developer Tools such as this one.
Part A: Learn Angular and Basic Concepts
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Angular is a front-end Web-development framework that makes it easy to build applications for the
Web. Angular combines declarative templates, dependency injection, end­to­end tooling, and
integrates best development practices to solve challenges in Web front-end development. Angular
empowers developers to build applications that live on the Web, mobile, or the desktop.
Before starting on any materials related to Angular, first get yourself familiar with JavaScript, and
new language constructs from recent JavaScript standards such as classes and modules. The latest
Angular version uses TypeScript, an extended version of JavaScript, as its primary language.
Fortunately, most Angular code can be written with just the latest JavaScript, with a few additions
like types for dependency injection, and decorators for metadata. We go over essential TypeScript
for Angular in class, and the class lecture notes is available.
Angular official website provides an excellent introductory tutorial on Angular development: Tour of
Heroes tutorial. It introduces the fundamental concepts for Angular development by building a
simple demo application.
Tour of Heroes tutorial
It may take some time to finish this tutorial, but we believe following this tutorial is still the
most effective and time­saving way to get yourself familiar with the Angular
Note that when you follow the tutorial using the Angular CLI preinstalled in our container, you will
need to use the following command to “run” your Angular code:
$ ng serve –host
not ng serve –open as described in the tutorial.
Note on –host option: By default, Angular HTTP server binds to only “localhost”. This means
that if any request comes from other than localhost, it does not get it. When Angular runs on the
same machine as the browser, this is not a problem. Angular binds to localhost and the browser
sends a request to localhost. But when Angular runs in a docker container, the localhost of Angular
is different from the localhost of the browser. Angular sees localhost of container and browser sees
the localhost of the host. By adding “–host”, we instruct Angular to bind to all network
interfaces within the container, not just localhost, so that Angular is able to get and respond to a
request forwarded by Docker through network forwarding.
If you have previous Angular or similar Web-framework development experience, you can choose to
read the Angular documentation directly instead. However, for most students who have not worked
with Angular extensively before, reading the documentation may take more time than following the
step-by-step tutorial. Thus, our recommendation is to start with the tutorial and then go over the
documentation after you get familiar with the basics.
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Some caveats: Do not confuse Angular with AngularJS! When you search for Angular
related issues on the Internet, please use Angular 2 or Angular CLI as search keywords,
not AngularJS. AngularJS is an older version of the Angular framework and is no longer a
recommended version. The difference between the “old” AngularJS and the “new” Angular is quite
extensive, as you can read from more detailed comparison articles on the Web. For our project, you
may ignore previous AngularJS versions and just learn the latest Angular CLI using the links and
tutorials provided in this spec.
After you finish the tutorial, go over the following questions and make sure you can answer them by
What is a Component in Angular?
What is a Template? What are Directives in a Template?
What is a Module in Angular? How is NgModule different from a JavaScript module?
How does Angular support Data binding?
What is a Service and how is Dependency injection done in Angular?
How is Routing done in Angular?
What are commonly used Angular CLI commands, such as generating a component or service?
Please read corresponding sections in the Angular documentation for review if the answer to any
question is not clear.
Now you have equipped with enough Angular knowledge to get started with Project 4. Good Luck!
Part B: Project Demo and Requirements
Project 4 is all about a front-end markdown blog editor and previewer. It should be implemented as
a single-page application (SPA), which means that your entire application runs on a “single page.”
The website interacts with the user by dynamically updating only a part of the page rather than
loading an entirely new page from the server. This approach avoids long waits between page
navigation and sudden interruptions in the user interaction, making the application behave more
like a traditional desktop application. A typical example of a SPA is Gmail.
An important feature of a SPA is that a specific state of the application is associated with
the corresponding url, so that a user does not accidentally exit from the app by pressing a back
button. When a user presses the browser back button, the user should go to the previous state
within the app (unless the user just opened the app) as opposed to exiting from the app and go to
the page visited before the app. As an example, open Gmail, click on a few mail messages and/or
folder labels, and then press the browser back button. You will see that you do not exit from the
Gmail app, even though all your interaction in the app happened on a single page, and, technically,
the “previous page” in your visit history should be the page that you visited before you opened the
Gmail app. In addition, if you cut and paste the Gmail’s drafts folder URL
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https://gmail.com/#drafts into the browser address bar, you will see that you directly land on the
draft folder of Gmail, not its generic start page. You will soon learn how to implement this behavior
by using the routing module of Angular.
We made a demo website of Project 4 available at
http://oak.cs.ucla.edu/classes/cs144/project4/demo/. It is rather simple, does not contain many
CSS-styling instructions, does not actually store blog posts on the server, but it still helps you
understand the key UI requirements of this project.
In the first image, we show the edit view of the
application, which allows the user edit a post. In this
view, we require you to implement the following
The view shows one text input box for the title and
one textarea for the body.
The “last modified” date and time is shown below the
text boxes.
The view should contain at least three buttons,
“save”, “preview”, and “delete”.
When the “save” button is pressed, it should
permanently save the post and update the last-modified date of the post to the current time.
When the user “exits” from this view (by pressing the “preview” button, by clicking on another
post in the list, by pressing the browser “refresh” or “back” buttons, or by typing a URL into the
address bar), any unsaved changes should be saved automatically, so that the app never loses
the user’s work.
When the “preview” button is clicked, the app should switch to the “preview view” (see below).
When the “delete” button is clicked, the post should disappear from the “list pane” (described
below) and be permanently deleted.
In the second image, we show the preview view of the
application. In this view, we require you to implement the
following functionalities:
The view shows an HTML-rendered preview of the
current markdown post, including its title and body.
There is an “edit” button to switch to the edit view.
In the third image, we show the “list pane”, that should meet the following requirements:
It shows the list of all blog posts that have been written by the user.
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The posts in the list should be sorted by their
“postid” (a unique integer assigned to a post) in the
ascending order.
Each post in the list must show the creation date &
time of the post and the title.
The user can add a new post anytime by clicking the
“new post” button, which opens the edit view of
the newly created post on the right side.
When a new post is created by the user its postid should be +1 of the largest postid that was
created before by the user.
The user can edit any of existing post by clicking its entry in the list, which opens the edit
view of the post on the right side.
Note that differently from Project 2, you are required to make the markdown editor as a single-page
application and the “list pane” should be always visible on the left side of either edit or
preview view.
In addition, when the user presses the browser’s “back button”, the user should go to the “previous
state” of the app, not to the page visited prior to your app. For example, If the user opened the app,
clicked on the first post in the list pane, and pressed the “preview” button, the user should go to the
state before the “preview” button was pressed if the user clicks on the browser back button. In
particular, you need to associate the three “states” of our app with the following URL patterns:
URL state
/editor/#/ This default path shows only the list pane, without showing the edit
or preview view
/editor/#/edit/:id This path shows the list pane and the “edit view” for the post with
/editor/#/preview/:id This path shows the list pane and the “preview view” of the post with
Note that all user-created/edited blog posts must be stored in MongoDB through the server that you
implemented in Project 3. Also, the preview page should be generated by a JavaScript code running
inside the browser, using the commonmark.js library. Finally, if the user tries to access
Angular editor at the URL /editor/ without authenticating herself first, the request
must be redirected to /login?redirect=/editor/, so that the user should be able to
provide her authentication information and automatically come back to the editor.
This will ensure that when the client-side Angular code is loaded in the browser, the browser has
already obtained a valid JWT cookie, so that the JWT can be sent to the server when it tries to access
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the Blog-Management REST API to create, retrieve, and update blog posts by the user.
Implementing this redirection-for-authentication mechanism will require minor changes to the
server-side code that you implemented in Project 3.
In the rest of the project spec, we describe more detailed guidance on how you can implement the
rest of Project 4. However, keep it mind that the rest of our project description is a suggestion, not a
requirement. As long as your code meets the requirements in Part B, you can implement the rest of
your application however you want. We provide further description here in case you need more
guidance and help to finish this project.
Part C: Create Project Skeleton using Angular CLI
Now it is time to start working on the project using the Angular Command-Line Interface (CLI).
First create a new Angular application using the following command:
$ ng new angular-blog
This may take a while since a lot of files are fetched and generated. When the skeleton application is
created successfully, we will see the following output.
Project ‘angular-blog’ successfully created.
You can launch the just-created application using ng serve –host and access it in
your browser at http://localhost:4200/.
$ ng serve –host
Do not forget –host as we are serving the Angular app from the container.
The page you see is the application shell. The shell is controlled by an Angular component named
Components are fundamental building blocks of any Angular application. They display data on the
screen, listen for user input, and take an action based on that input.
The angular-blog directory that contains the initial skeleton code looks like the following:
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+- e2e
+- node_modules
+- src
+- app
+- app.component.css
+- app.component.html
+- app.component.spec.ts
+- app.component.ts
+- app.module.ts
+- assets
+- environments
+- index.html
+- styles.css
+- typings.d.ts
+- …
+- package.json
+- README.md
+- …
This may look like a lot of files at the first glance, but don’t get overwhelmed. The files you need to
touch are all inside the src/app folder. Other files can be ignored in most cases. In the src/app
folder, the Angular CLI has created the root module, AppModule, and the main application
component, AppComponent.
You’ll find the implementation of AppComponent distributed over three files:
app.component.ts — the component class file, written in TypeScript.
app.component.html — the component template, written in HTML.
app.component.css — the component’s style, written in CSS.
The “.spec.ts” file is used for unit testing, and you can ignore it for now.
Refer to the Application Shell section of the tutorial if you still have confusions about how these files
work together to form a component.
Part D: Implement Blog Service
Now you create a “Blog Service” using the following command:
$ ng generate service blog –module=app
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The option –module=app inserts the necessary imports and providers statements to the
AppModule, so that you don’t have to add them yourself. You will see the service files created in the
create src/app/blog.service.spec.ts (362 bytes)
create src/app/blog.service.ts (110 bytes)
The BlogService plays two important roles in our application.
1. It allows other components in the application to store and retrieve blog posts. This service hides
the exact storage mechanism of the blog posts, so that other components can be implemented
independently of the storage mechanism. In this project, all blog posts are stored in MongoDB
through the server implemented in Project 3.
2. BlogService works as a “local memory cache” for blog posts, so that (potentially) long delays
of the underlying storage mechanism is hidden to other components.
Now, open the blog.service.ts file and declare a Post class with the following properties:
Note that we need to export this class, so that it can be imported and used by other components of
the application. postid is the unique id of the blog post, created and modified are the post’s
creation and last modification date and time, title and body are the actual content of the post
formatted in markdown.
Add a private posts property to the BlogService class like the following:
The property posts works as the “memory cache” of all blog posts. When the application starts
running, all blog posts by the user will be retrieved from the underlying storage mechanism and be
held here. In addition, any changes to a post will be temporarily held here until they are
permanently written to the underlying storage.
Now implement the following methods in the BlogService class:
export class Post {
postid: number;
created: Date;
modified: Date;
title: string;
body: string;
private posts: Post[];
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1. fetchPosts(username: string): void – This method must “populate” the posts property by
retrieving all blog posts of the current user. Send a GET request to /api/:username and
populate posts property from the response.
2. getPosts(username: string): Post[] – This method simply returns posts.
3. getPost(username: string, id: number): Post – Find the post with postid=id from
posts and return it.
4. newPost(username: string): Post – Create a new post with a new postid, an empty title
and body, and the current creation and modification times, add it to posts, send a POST
request to /api/:username/:postid (after setting up the response event handler), and
return the newly created post.
The response handler should do nothing if the response status code is “201 (Created)”.
Otherwise, it should delete the newly created post from posts, display an alert message saying
that there was an error creating a new post at the server, and navigate to /, the “list pane” of the
5. updatePost(username: string, post: Post): void – From posts, find a post whose postid
is the same as post.postid, update its title and body with the passed-in values, change its
modification time to now, and send a PUT request to /api/:username/:postid (after setting
up the response event handler). If no such post exists, do nothing.
The response event handler should do nothing if the response status code is “200 (OK)”.
Otherwise, it should display an alert message saying that there was an error updating the post at
the server, and navigate to the “edit view” of the post.
6. deletePost(username: string, postid: number): void – From posts, find a post whose
postid is the same as the passed in value, delete it from posts, and send a DELETE request to
/api/:username/:postid (after setting up the response event handler). If no such post
exists, do nothing.
The response event handler should do nothing if the response status code is “204 (No content)”.
Otherwise, it should display an alert message saying that there was an error deleting the post at
the server, and navigate to /, the “list pane” of the editor.
1. The HTTP request to the server can be sent through various mechanisms, such as
XMLHttpRequest object, Fetch or HttpClient object in Angular. If you decide to use
HttpClient, you may need a basic understanding on the concept of “observable” (or event
stream) and “observer” (or subscriber). If you feel that you need to learn more on this, there
exist a number of good online introductory materials, such as observer pattern Wikipedia entry
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or this tutorial on reactive programming. If you decide to use HttpClient and observable,
you are welcome to modify the BlogService API to use and return an observable, but this change
is not necessary for this project.
2. When you modify posts, an array of Post, in the above methods, keep in mind that
mutators, such as splice(), push(), and shift(), directly modify the input
array, while accessor methods, such as slice(), filter(), and map(), don’t.
Accessor methods create a completely new copy of the output array, leaving the
original input array intact.
3. Note that any communication with a server is a potentially blocking function call and you will
have to worry about asynchronous response handling in many methods of BlogService. This
can be done in many different ways. You may implement the response handling logic inside
BlogService itself and set the proper callback function internally. Alternatively, you may change
the API of BlogService, so that it either takes a callback function as a parameter or it returns
a promise/observable, so that the caller can decide what to do once the response is obtained
from the server.
4. Since you have not implemented other components yet, it may be too early to implement proper
error handling in case the server replies with an error response code. For now, you may want to
skip error handing part, and come back to it only after you finish implementing other
Part E: Implement List and Edit Components
Roughly, our editor may be split into three different components:
1. List component: This component is responsible for displaying the “list pane”. This component
should be visible on the left side of the app all the time. The user should be able to click on a
post in the list to edit it.
2. Edit component: This component is responsible for the “edit view” of the app. When the user
clicks on a post in the list pane, this component should be displayed on the right side of the list
and let the user edit the title and body of the post. It should also contain a buttons for “save”,
“delete”, and “preview”.
3. Preview component: This component is responsible for the “preview view” of the app. When the
user clicks on the “preview” button in the edit component, this component should replace the
edit component and show the HTML version of the post.
Add the List Component
We now create the list component.
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$ ng generate component list
Note that all components in our app, including ListComponent, needs to use BlogService to
retrieve and/or update blog posts. Thus, you will have to import Post and BlogService classes in
list.component.ts through an import statement. Also, you will need to make BlogService
available in ListComponent through dependency injection by modifying the component’s
constructor signature. If this sounds confusing, go over the Angular tutorial again, in particular the
services section. The Angular documentation on dependency injection can also be helpful.
Note that the currently authenticated username can be obtained from the JWT token and the JWT
token is stored as a cookie, which is accessible through document.cookie. To extract the username
from JWT, you may use a code similar to the following, which will take a JWT a the input and
returns a JavaScript object constructed from the payload of the JWT:
Remember that the list component needs to take the following actions depending on the user
1. It has to obtain all blog posts through BlogService and display them in a list on the left side of
the app.
2. When the user clicks on the “new” button, it has to create a new post using BlogService and
open the “edit view” for the post.
3. When the user clicks on a post in the list, it has to open the “edit view” for the post.
To support the above interactions, remove the auto-generated HTML code in the template,
list.component.html, and add necessary HTML elements. In modifying the template, you may
find the following information useful:
You may find the structural directives helpful in displaying the list of posts obtained from
BlogService as a list.
You can use interpolation (e.g., {{post.title}}) if you want to display a property value in
the template.
You can use event binding (e.g., (click)=”delete()”), to call a method of the component for
a triggered event.
Add CSS rules to list.component.css to make the component look reasonable.
function parseJWT(token)
let base64Url = token.split(‘.’)[1];
let base64 = base64Url.replace(/-/g, ‘+’).replace(/_/g, ‘/’);
return JSON.parse(atob(base64));
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Note that you can implement the second and third actions correctly only after you implement the
Edit component. So start with implementing the first action, displaying all blog posts in a list, in
Once you finish implementing code for the first action, you will need to add ListComponent as a
child component of AppComponent, so that it will be displayed inside the Angular App. For
example, you can add to src/app/app.component.html as follows:
Testing the List Component
Eventually, your Angular app must be deployed to your node/express server, but during the
development of this project, you may want to run your Angular app through the “ng serve”
command, so that you can test, revise, and iterate quickly. Unfortunately, running Angular app
through ng serve has a few unintended consequences:
1. You have to run two servers – the node/express server through npm start and the angular app
through ng serve –host – within the same container. Running two servers
simultaneously can be done by executing the two commands in the background like the
$ npm start &
$ ng serve –host &
If you are not familiar with the Unix process control and job management, read the Process
section of our Unix tutorial.
2. Your Angular app is loaded from http://localhost:4200 but your Express server runs at
http://localhost:3000. This means that your Angular app may not be able to use the JWT
cookie set by the Express server due to cross-origin restrictions, which won’t be the case once
your Angular app is deployed to the Express server. To get around this problem, you have to
allow third­party cookies and may use Chrome’s –disable-web-security –userdata-dir option. To use this option, quit all running instances of your Chrome browser, and
start a new instance of Chrome by executing:
(On macOS) $ open -a Google Chrome –args –disable-web-security –userdata-dir
(On Windows) $ start chrome –disable-web-security –user-data-dir
from a terminal.12/13/2018 index
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3. Note that when your Angular app is eventually deployed to the Express server, the server will
ensure that the user is authenticated before they can access the Angular app. Unfortunately, this
is not the case when your app is loaded from its own server; when your Angular app runs, it
may not have a proper JWT cookie during development. Therefore, you will have to explicitly
visit the Express server’s login page /login first, authenticate yourself, and obtain a proper
JWT cookie from the server.
If you have the ng serve –host command running, you should now see that the
ListComponent displays the list of blog posts in your MongoDB. If not, it is very likely that your
code has a bug. Fix it before you move on to the next task.
Note: Some students report that ng serve does not auto-rebuild, particularly on a Windows
machine. If that is the case, try ng serve –host –poll=2000. The development
server will look for file changes every two seconds and compile if necessary.
Add the Edit Component
Now let us create the second non-root component, the edit component:
$ ng generate component edit
Make Post and BlogService available in EditComponent by including an appropriate import
statement and modify its constructor signature to inject BlogService through dependency
injection. Also, add post: Post as a property of EditComponent, which will hold a copy of the
post that is being currently edited.
Remember that EditComponent is responsible for the following user interactions:
1. The title and body of the current post should appear in text input and textarea, respectively,
so that the user can edit them.
2. When the user clicks on the “preview” button, any unsaved changes should be saved, and the
“preview view” should open.
3. When the user tries to leave the edit view, all unsaved changes should be automatically saved
via BlogService, so that no work is lost.
To support the above interactions, remove the auto-generated HTML code in the template,
edit.component.html, and add necessary HTML elements. In modifying the template, you may
find the following information useful:
Data can be dynamically exchanged between a template element and a component property
using Angular’s two­way binding and the ngModel directive (e.g.,
[(ngModel)]=”post.title”). This mechanism can be used, for example, to support
displaying and editing the post’s title. Note that FormsModule needs to be imported in the
RootModule, app.module.ts, if you want to use the ngModel directive.
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You can use the structural directive *ngIf or the safe navigation operator ?. to guard against
null or undefined values in a property.
Add CSS rules to edit.component.css to make the component look reasonable.
Once you finish updating the template and CSS style, implement the functionalities described above
to the component class, edit.component.ts. In particular, you may want to add one “event
handler” method per each button-click event with the names like save(), delete(), and
preview(). Note that you are not able to implement preview() method yet, since you need to
implement the preview component first to switch to the “preview view”.
Part F: Add the AppRoutingModule
As we mentioned earlier, an important feature of the single-page application is that a specific
state of the application is associated with the corresponding url. In particular, you need to
associate the three “states” of our app with the following URL patterns:
URL state
/ This default path shows only the list pane, without showing the edit or preview
/edit/:id This path shows the list pane and the “edit view” for the post with postid=id
/preview/:id This path shows the list pane and the “preview view” of the post with postid=id
Associating a URL with a particular state of the application and displaying a different component
based on the state can be achieved through a router in Angular. If you do not remember what a
router is or how to use it, go over the Angular tutorial again, in particular the routing section. It may
be useful to look at the routing & navigation section of the Angular documentation.
Angular’s best practice is to load and configure the router in a separate, top-level module that is
dedicated to routing and import it in the root AppModule. By convention, the class dedicated for a
routing module is named as AppRoutingModule defined in the file app-routing.module.ts if
you answered Yes to routing creating when you created the initial angular project. Check whether
you have the file in src/app directory. If not, it can be generated using the following CLI command:
$ ng generate module app-routing –flat –module=app
The –flat option creates app-routing.module.ts directly in src/app not in its own
subdirectory. The –module=app option adds necessary import statements to the RootModule,
Now open app-routing.module.ts and update its content as follows:
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In the above code, the routes config maps the URL pattern edit/:id to the EditComponent.
(Mapping the the URL pattern preview/:id to the PreviewComponent need to be added later
after we implement the “preview component”. The path / does not need a mapping since the app
does not need to display any component other than the list component for /.)
Add a router outlet in app.component.html, so an appropriate component will be displayed if the
URL pattern matches to a route:
Now that we have the URL-to-component mapping in place through RouterModule, we need to
modify our code to implement the correct routing behavior. In particular, we have to add the
following logic to our code:
1. When the user clicks on a post in the list, our app should “navigate” to the URL edit/:id,
where :id is the postid of the clicked post.
2. When the app navigates to edit/:id and the RouterModule displays EditComponent in the
router outlet, our EditComponent should retrieve the post whose postid is :id and update
its template elements accordingly.
3. When the user clicks the “delete” button in the EditComponent, the component should delete
the current post through BlogService and navigate to the URL /, so that EditComponent is
no longer displayed in the router outlet.
4. When the user “navigates away” from the “edit view”, any unsaved work by the user should be
automatically saved.
5. When the user clicks on the “preview” button in the EditComponent, the component should
save any unsaved changes and navigate to the URL preview/:id, where :id is the postid of
the current post.
To implement the above functionality, you may find the following information helpful:
1. Within your component method, you can “navigate” to a particular URL by calling the
navigate() method of the Router object, like router.navigate([‘/’]). Inside a
import { NgModule } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { RouterModule, Routes } from ‘@angular/router’;
import { EditComponent } from ‘./edit/edit.component’;
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: ‘edit/:id’, component: EditComponent }
imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {useHash: true}) ],
exports: [ RouterModule ]
export class AppRoutingModule { }
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template, you can use the routerLink directive, like , to have the same
effect when the user clicks on the link.
2. You can obtain the :id part of an “activated URL” (or “activated route”) with the
ActivatedRoute object, by calling activatedRoute.snapshot.paramMap.get(‘id’).
3. The EditComponent can “subscribe” to the “URL activation event” – so that whenever a new
URL is activated, it can retrieve the correct post from BlogService and update its elements –
using the ActivatedRoute object. For example, the following code
will ensure getPost() method to be called whenever the route is activated. This mechanism
can be used to save any unsaved user edits when the URL changes.
4. To save the user’s unsaved edits in the “edit view” when the user presses the browser’s refresh
button or close the browser tab, you may want to intercept the “beforeunload” (or “unload”)
event of the global window object. In Angular, a method can be declared to be called for a
general browser event by decorating it with the @HostListener(event) decorator. For
example, if you decorate a method of EditComponent with
@HostListener(‘window:beforeunload’), the method will be called whenever
“beforeunload” event is triggered to the global window object.
To be able to use Router and ActivatedRoute objects in EditComponent, update its constructor
signature to make the two classes available through dependency injection.
If you use @HostListener decorator in EditComponent, you will need to import it in
edit.component.ts by including the following import statement:
Now your web application should have all functionalities implemented except “preview”.
Part G: Add the Preview Component
You should be fairly familiar with the Angular development process if you finished all previous parts
and reached here. In this part, most of the tasks are similar to what you have done already, so we
provide a minimal guidance.
First you need to add the preview component through the Angular Cli. Then add the the route
mapping from preview/:id to this component in your routing module.
For markdown to HTML rendering, we will use commonmark.js library, so install the commonmark
module through the following command:
$ npm install –save commonmark
activatedRoute.paramMap.subscribe(() => this.getPost());
import { HostListener } from ‘@angular/core’;
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Open preview.component.ts, add the following import statement
to use commonmark’s Parser and HtmlRenderer objects in your code.
Update the constructor signature of PreviewComponent with necessary dependencies and add the
appropriate import statements. Subscribe to the URL activation event, so that the correct post is
retrieved from BlogService and rendered as HTML when a “preview URL” is activated. Edit
preview.component.html and preview.component.css to add the HTML elements and css
rules needed for the component.
Finally, make sure that you update EditComponent, so that it correctly handles the user’s click
event on the “preview” button.
Congratulations! You now have finished all the requirements and functionalities of the project.
Part H: Deploy, Update, and Test your project
Once you finish implementing Project 4, build the final Angular application by the command ng
build and copy all produced files inside dist/angular-blog/ directory to the editor
subdirectory of your Express server’s public folder (public/editor/). Before you build your
Angular app, make sure to modify the base URL of the app to /editor/ by changing the base tag in
the file src/index.html
Please make sure that if the user tries to access the Angular editor at the URL /editor/ without
authenticating herself first, the request is redirected to /login?redirect=/editor/, so that the
user should be able to provide her authentication information and automatically come back to the
editor. To implement this behavior, you will need to make a small change to the code in Project 3,
where your node server ensures that any request to /editor/ or below contains a valid
JWT. If not, the server should redirect the request to the login page like /login?
redirect=/editor/. Please note that no change is needed for the REST API handling or your
Angular editor code. As long as the just described change is made, everything will work.
To simplify the project, you may assume that the first entry point to the blog post editor is always
/editor/. That is, users never access the editor through the edit page /editor/#/edit/:postid
or the preview page /editor/#/preview/:postid as the first entry point. Therefore, you may
assume that the user’s all blog posts are ready and available by the time either Edit or Preview
Components are rendered.
import { Parser, HtmlRenderer } from ‘commonmark’;
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Please check your web application is shown in the browser correctly and you can complete the post
create, update, delete and preview tasks without any issues. Also, the post list should be always be
displayed on the left side of any page and be updated whenever a new blog is created or an existing
blog is updated or deleted. Make sure that all blog posts are corrected saved, updated, and deleted in
Lastly, please verify your application does not throw any errors in the javascript console. This can be
checked in chrome by right clicking the browser window and choose “inspect”. Then choose the
“Console” tab to verify if any errors are appearing.
Note: When you run your Angular app in Chrome, Chrome developer console will throw an error
for every 4XX or 5XX response from a server. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any way to
“catch” it to make it disappear. As long as you handle these responses according to our spec, you
won’t have to worry about this particular Chrome console error.
Submit Your Project
What to Submit
For this project, you will have to submit two zip files:
1. project4.zip: You need to create this zip file using the packaging script provided below. This
file will contain all source codes that you wrote for Project 4.
2. project3.zip: You must resubmit project3.zip file again created using the packaging
script of Project 3. This new submission must include any changes that you made during Project
4 development, including the code for the authentication protection for /editor/ and bug
Creating project4.zip
After you have checked there is no issue with your project, you can package your work by running
our packaging script. Please first create the TEAM.txt file and put your team’s uid(s) in it. This file
must include the 9-digit university ID (UID) of every team member, one UID per line. No spaces
or dashes. Just 9-digit UID per line. If you are working on your own, include just your UID. Please
make sure TEAM.txt and package.sh are placed in the project­root directory, angularblog, like this:
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+- e2e
+- node_modules
+- src
+- app
+- …
+- assets
+- environments
+- index.html
+- styles.css
+- typings.d.ts
+- …
+- package.sh
+- TEAM.txt
+- …
When you execute the packaging script like ./package.sh, it will build a deployment version of
your project and package it together with your source code and the TEAM.txt file into a single zip file
named project4.zip. You will see something like this if the script succeeds:
[SUCCESS] Created ‘/home/cs144/shared/angular-blog/project4.zip’, please submit
it to CCLE.
Please only submit this script­created project3.zip and project4.zip to CCLE. Do not
use any other ways to package or submit your work!
IMPORTANT: In case you use Docker Toolbox and have been using 192.168.X.X as the
hostname of the Project 3 server in your Angular code, it is critical to change it to localhost in
your submitted version. Otherwise, your submission is unlikely to work on the
grader’s machine!
To ensure this, if the packaging script finds that your source code contains the string 192.168.X.X,
it displays the following warning message:
[WARNING] The script detected that your code has string 192.168.X.X
[WARNING] Please ensure that your submitted Angular code uses localhost as
[WARNING] the hostname of the server API, not 192.168.X.X
Please double check your code to ensure that your submitted code uses localhost not
192.168.X.X. Otherwise, your submission will not work on the grader’s machine!
Grading CriteriaWe will grade your Project 4 mainly based on the functionalities. Specifically, we will test following
Post List: Post list is always shown on the left side of any page, and is updated whenever a blog
is created, updated or deleted.
Post Operations: Create, Update and Delete blogs without any issues.
Post Preview: Render the markdown blog correctly and be able to return to the edit view from
the preview view.
User Interface: The User Interface should at least adopt the similar CSS decorations like what
is done in demo. Better decorations may gain extra credit, but no more than 10%.
No Errors: JavaScript Errors are very severe issues, we will deduct 20% of total points for
each type of the error that appears on the browser console, except the 4XX and 5XX errors
that we mentioned in Part H.
Other Requirements in Description: For example, auto-save behavior, etc.


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[SOLVED] Project 4: markdown editor using angular