[Solved] Programming Assignment 1: Create class domains in NetBeans and test them

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Programming Assignment 1: Create class domains in NetBeans and test themProblem ScenarioA local charity is in need of a Java programmer to assist them with some of their needs. You have decided to show off your new Java skills, and have graciously volunteered to assist them.The charity needs to be able to track their donors, as well as the type of donations.For each Donor, the charity needs to know: Donor Id (integer identification number – should be a unique value) Donor first name (String) Donor last name (String) Donor phone number (String) Donor email address (String)The charity has had issues with incorrect email addresses, so they are requesting a way to be able to determine if the email address is correct. At this time, the charity just wants to make sure there is a “@” in the email address.For each Donation, the charity wants to track: Donation Id (integer identification number – should be a unique value) Donor Id of the donor (integer identification number – should match a donor id in the donor list) Description of the donation (String – up to length 25) Amount of the donation (double) Date of the donation (String) An indication if the donation is tax deductible (boolean) A check number (integer)Currently the charity only accepts donations by check (no cash). But the charity would like to prevent fraud. So as a fraud detection measure, only check numbers greater than 100, but less than 5000 will be considered valid.Program RequirementsThe assignment this week is to create some of the classes for the problem scenario above. These classes will be used to implement data structures in later assignments.The program must follow the CS310 Coding Standards from Content section 1.9.First create a main class for this program, named as follows:CS310Lastname For example, for this program: CS310SmithThis is the class that will contain a main method.Then create two additional classes: a Donor class a Donation classThese classes will be used for creating and manipulating the Donor and Donation objects, and will not contain a main method.Create your classes in NetBeans. Use the tips provided in the NetBeans reader to generate:constructorsgetters/settersequals()toString()methods for the Donor and Donation classes.Both Donor and Donation classes should include two constructors:an empty constructora constructor that accepts all of the attributes of the class as parametersWhile NetBeans will create the basic methods, you will also need to add two additional methods to: check the donor email address contains the “@” character if a cash donation, check the check number is between 100 and 5000 exclusiveThese two methods will simply check the proper attribute and return a true or false.Input Data FileYou will use a simple csv file input file for this program (see the online Content for information on how to read a csv file). The file will contain lines of data about Donors and Donations.This week’s input file, assn1input.txt, will contain only 2 data lines, in the following format:DONOR,donorId,firstName,lastName,emailAddress,phoneNumberDONATION,donationId,donorId,description,amount,date,taxDeductible(Y/N), checkNumberSample Input File LinesDONOR,1,George,Washington,[email protected],202-123-4567DONATION,101,1,Leadership contribution,100.00,7/4/1776,Y,1001This file will be placed in an input directory within your project (see Deliverables section below for how to create new directories within your project). Within your code, define a constant to hold this filename, as follows:final String INPUT_FILENAME = “input/assn1input.txt”;TestingThis week, the main method in the CS310Lastname class will be used to test your Donor and Donation classes. The main method will run 3 sets of tests.NOTE: Before each test, display a message stating which test is being run.Also display a blank line between each of the tests.Test Set 1The first set of tests will test the constructors with parameters for each attribute and the toString() method for each class.Test 1a:Instantiate a Donor object by hardcoding argument values of your choice in the call to the constructor. Then use the toString() instance method to print the attribute values to the console.Test 1b:Instantiate a Donation object by hardcoding argument values of your choice in the call to the constructor. Then use the toString() instance method to print the attribute values to the console.Example:MyClass myObjectName = new MyClass(“abc”, 123, false);System.out.println( myObjectName.toString() );Test Set 2The second set of tests will test the empty constructors, setters and getters, and will also test reading data from the input data file.Before running the tests, try to open the input data file. Throw an exception of the data file cannot be found. The exception handler should display an error message including the name of the file that could not be found.If the file opens successfully, run the rest of the tests.Test 2a:Instantiate a Donor object, using the empty constructor.Read the first line of data from the input data file. Use split() to parse the line read into an array of String values.Call a static setDonorAttributes() method. This method will:o Pass in the Donor object and array of String values as parameterso Use the setters to set each attribute valueo After setting the attributes, validate the email address If the email address does not contain an ‘@’ character, display an error messageo Return the Donor object with all attributes set (even if the email address is invalid).Call a static getDonorAttributes() method. This method will:Pass in the Donor object as a parameter.Use the getters to display each attribute value, one per line.Test 2b:Instantiate a Donation object, using the empty constructor.Read the second line of data from the input data file.Use split() to parse the line read into an array of String values.Call a static setDonationAttributes() method. This method will:o Pass in the Donation object and array of String values as parameterso Use the setters to set each attribute valueo After setting the attributes, validate the check number If the check number is not between 100 and 5000, display an error message.o Return the Donation object with all attributes set (even if the check number is invalid).Call a static getDonationAttributes() method. This method will:Pass in the Donation object as a parameter.Use the getters to display each attribute value, one per line.Close the input data file when you have completed the tests in Test Set 2.Test Set 3The third set of tests will test the equals() methods for both classes.Test 3a:Use the equals() method to compare the two Donor objects, and display a message stating whether they are equal or not.Test 3b:Use the equals() method to compare the two Donation objects, and display a message stating whether they are equal or not.Notes on Testing In order to validate your code, you will need to run your test code multiple times, each time using different sets of data. For example:Run 1: No test data input file in input folder.Run 2: File email is invalid, file check number is invalid, one of the donations is not deductible, and objects are not equal (at least one attribute value differs).Run 3: All data is valid, one of the donations is deductible, and the objects are equal (all attribute values are the same).Sample Output DisplayedRunning Test 1a:Donor{donorId=2, firstName=John, lastName=Smith, phoneNumber=303-333-3333, [email protected]}Running Test 1b:Donation{donationId=202, donorId=2, description=Payroll deduction, amount=22.22, date=03/01/2016, taxDeductible=true, checkNumber=2222}Running Test 2a:ERROR: Invalide e-mail address is missing @: gwashington#mtvernon.com1GeorgeWashingtongwashington#mtvernon.com202-123-4567Running Test 2b:ERROR: Invalid check number: 991011Leadership contribution100.007/4/1776false99Running Test 3a:Donor objects are NOT equalRunning Test 3b:Donation objects NOT are equalDeliverables Create a new project in NetBeans, and name it CS310 + last name (e.g. CS310Manning).o NetBeans will create the default folders. You will get a project structure that looks like this:o NetBeans will create the main method in the CS310<lastname>.java file. This is where you will add your tests.o All of the additional class files you create for this assignment should will be placed in the same CS310<lastname> folder as the CS310<lastname>.java file. Use NetBeans to build comment headers. You are responsible for completing the comment headers created. Refer to the NetBeans reader on how to use NetBeans to insert your comment headers. Add an input folder. To create a new folder in NetBeans:o Right click on the project name (top level folder).o On the next dialog box, select New.o Another dialog box will pop up. Look for “Folder” (the order of the list varies based on what the last actions you have done). Select Folder.o When prompted, name the new folder “input”. Place your input test data file(s) in the input folder. Use the same method as above to add a documentation folder. Add screen shots of a clean compile of your classes to the documentation folder:o If you have compile errors, a red error symbol is placed on the file and folder name tabs. Be sure to clear all compile errors before capturing the screen shot.o You can paste your image file into the documentation folder, as follows: Right click on the documentation folder name, and select Paste.WARNING: Submittals without the clean compile screenshots will not be accepted.Program SubmissionThis programming assignment is due by midnight of the date listed on the Course Assignments by Week page of the Content. To submit your project: Export your project from NetBeans. To do this:o Highlight the project name.o Click on File from the top menu, and select Export Project.o Select To ZIPo Name your export file in the following format: CS310<lastname>Assn<x>.zipFor example:CS310SmithAssn1.zip


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[Solved] Programming Assignment 1: Create class domains in NetBeans and test them
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